Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Let's experiment

Hello. Ooooops, didn't post yesterday, ran out of time and if I leave it too late in the day my brain starts shutting down. I was up early yesterday, 4.30am, I am a morning person, feel alert in the mornings, full of energy, full of anticipation of what the day might bring. Yesterday was crap weather, so it was a day indoors. The pooch was bored so we did venture out twice, dogs still need to walk, even in the rain. We did manage to get an hour in the garden just before tea time. I filled the brown bin with hedge clippings, looks tidy now.

Indoors I carried on sewing, and playing with various bits and bobs. It's good to have a vision of how my arts and crafts might work, but sometimes it's necessary to just play around and see what happens. I have a lot of pieces of bark, my friend a wood turner was going to chuck them, but I thought, no, I might be able to do something with them. A cheap £1 tin of varnish from the Pound Shop, lets see if it improves the looks and strength of the bark. Yes, looking good. Two coats, right, what next? I dunno, something will come to mind. I have an idea to add five small hooks to it and hang the little hearts, would make a nice wall decoration. Could sell it for twenty quid, maybe thirty, in one of those posh gift shops by the seaside.

Something else I played with. Large pieces of paper, with some flimsy fabric sandwiched in between the layers, stuck together with diluted PVA glue. Now waiting for it to dry. Think I may have watered down the glue too much, it looks as though some of the layers are separating. Hmmmm, well you don't find out these things until you give it a try.

There's lots of things to experiment with. Cooking - mixing different types of food together, I do it all the time. Makeup - used to but don't wear any now. Boyfriends - been there done that got the Tshirt. Tried them all, old - young, thin - chubby, tall - short, bald - dreadlocks, miserable - happy, wealthy - skint, confident - shy,  easy going - control freaks, fanciable - maybe not.  Tried being a couple - didn't work out, now happy with my singleness. Career - tried lots of different jobs, kept moving on. I reckon life is one big experiment. A little bit of uncertainty is good, makes you look at things in a different way. Something not working so let's try something else. The secret is to not let the failures get you down. Wipe the slate clean and start again. 

I'll leave you with this thought. Try something today which you might have been thinking about, but wasn't sure if it would work. Great if it does come right, but no big deal if it doesn't. Just say, bugger, that didn't work, let's have another go. 

Thank you for popping in. The sun is out, things to do. 
Toodle pip 

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