Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Love this recycling, making new from old lark

Hello. Had a computer blip then, hit the keys and nothing happened. Closed it down and opened it again, and here I am. Very strange. I didn't have anything to write about this morning, but stuff happens, always something around the corner. I thought I would finish off this heart that I cut out the other day. So what are the red petals in the centre? Another idea, keep all the old silk and plastic flowers you have because they will come in useful for a sewing project. Or you can do what I do and look in the bins in the churchyard for any that are thrown away. 
A piece of red cord for the loop, small red beads, and silver sequins.

The little white butterfly was cut from a strip of them, can't remember where they came from, someone gave them to me. I added blue French knots and stripes on the body. 
The flower minus some petals, some of them are faded but there are some that can be used for another project.

I had a walk down the road to visit my friend Irene for coffee this morning. A car stopped beside me, it was another friend Sandra. She handed me a bag of dry cat food asking if I could use it because her fussy cat won't eat it. Thank you very much I said. I like it when people give me things. If my cats don't like it I can pass it on to the rescue cats. 
So why have I got a photo of the Times newspaper here? I was sat with Irene supping her coffee and scoffing her biscuits, when the conversation got round to recycling. I was telling her about a programme I have been watching on the catch up tv. Sometime in the future she will be moving and she said they will be de cluttering and mentioned about taking stuff to the council tip. I said, well let me see anything before you get rid of it. There was a copy of the Times on the table so I asked what they did with them when they had been read, in the recycling box she said. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I said I like reading the Times, so the outcome is that she is going to save them for me, and I will call every Saturday morning where I will find the papers in the porch and I just take them. Good arrangement eh! Oh, she also gave me some ribbon and lace and a tube of glitter. All free. 
I spotted a skip on someones driveway while out dog walking this afternoon. There wasn't anything of interest in it, they were having a new bathroom fitted so it was mainly broken bits of old bathroom and rubble. But on the top was this wooden bathroom cabinet. The man let me have it. It needs sanding down and either re varnishing or painting. There is no damage so I will be able to give it a new lease of life. 

The man brought out some offcuts of plastic coated boards, they fit together in a tongue and groove fashion. Must be something I can do with them. They have a shiny white plastic finish.

They are hollow so lightweight, some kind of cladding.

I've been hooked on the BBC programme, Money for Nothing, and I'm working my way through all the episodes on the i player catch up. The presenter is Sarah who goes to the council dumps and picks up junk that people are throwing away, and turns it into something new with the help of her recycling experts. Man hole covers become vanity units, a road spring became a floor standing lamp, chairs are recovered and painted, and monopoly trinkets became silver charms. It's really interesting and has some good ideas for those interested in re purposing their junk. Take a look at the web site if you want to know more. You can click on the episodes from there. I'm not sure if this is available outside the UK, I can't find it on yooootoooob, sorry.

That's me done for tonight. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.

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