Thursday, September 24, 2015

Trying hard to be serious, and failing

Hello. Let's have a natter. I'll start, you join in if you want to. I've been to the doctors twice this week, very unusual for me to go even once. I got called in for the annual flu jab on Tuesday. Our medical centre is usually closed on a Tuesday afternoon, but this week it was packed. It was a case of all hands on deck, needles at the ready, line us up and chuck darts at us, no not really, I'm kidding. We were pretty quick in and out though, it was like half the village was there, pity they weren't serving coffee and cake. I was larking about a bit, I can't help myself. We sat on a row of chairs and shuffled up when one dropped off the end. Then it was my turn and the nurse stuck the needle in. I grimaced and said 'chuffin heck, that hurt'. Then when I was walking away I looked at my arm and said, 'it's bleeding'. Made a few people smile, ha ha.  
I've been to the doctors today as well, but not our local medical centre, I went to the big one in the neighbouring village. You get an appointment quicker if you are prepared to drive the two miles to get there. I have now got a black spot on my cheek, that's the one on my face, not on my bum. For some strange reason a wart decided to erupt, spoiling my naturally beautiful, normally clear, and glowing skin. Can't have that I thought, it will spoil my chances if I ever decide to go out on the pull. Oh it's nothing, the doctor said, it's what happens when you get older. Charming, is this the start of a downhill slope, am I going to get scabby lumps appearing from now on? He prodded it with a plastic straw thing with some chemical on the end of  it. 'There you are', he said, 'it will go black and drop off, keep it dry for a couple of days'. Oooh good I thought, won't have to have a wash, ha ha. 
This is a nice view, spotted on my way home. We are surrounded by farmland in these parts, mostly crops, not many cows and sheep. Pity about the electricity cables spoiling the picture though. 
Don't know what these are called, but aint they pretty. Like little lanterns tumbling over a drystone wall in someone's front garden.

Yesterday I made a pan of soup with two packs of mixed ready chopped veg. I left it chunky, didn't bother to zap it with the blender. 
Looks pretty grim doesn't it, like something regurgitated. Tastes alright though. It was a bit watery so I mixed a couple of spoons of humous into it, improved the taste no end. One portion eaten, two for the freezer.

I've had a letter today from the House of Commons. Mr Percy our MP often writes to me, he likes to keep me informed on what he is up to when he is in the big city. This time it's about his campaign to get better mobile phone coverage for our area. Good of him to put so much effort into keeping his constituents happy.

My annual payment to Google Storage has come through on my statement this month. This is the small amount I pay  for a much larger storage facility for my photographs. Because I post a lot of images I reached my limit of free storage after a couple of years of blogging. I see there is a slight increase from last year, an extra 27p to pay, this takes it up to £3.84. Bloomin cheek, everything keeps going up. Don't know where I will find that extra 27p from, will have to cut down on the car miles and use the bus ;o)

Cat rescue news, grey mummy cat has had a touch of cystitis but is alright now, the kittens are doing well. We had to take a cat back in, a lady adopted three cats from us, but one cat was getting bullied, so it came back to us. The good news is that we found another home for it. A much better home, in a village, with one other cat and they are getting on great together.

I've got some brilliant news, it's chuffin amazing. My page views have soared sky high, it's fantastic that so many people want to read my little old blog. I mean, what could I be saying that is of any interest to anybody? It's about what I do with my life, that's all. 25 million page views a day, told you it was chuffin amazing, that's half the chuffin world. I have a stat checker on and watching the comings and goings is like watching the share prices change every few seconds on the boards at the stock exchange. And emails, well, my box is overflowing, don't know when I am ever going to find time to answer them all, if you sent one you're in a queue. I'm getting to be a right old Marjorie Proops, ha ha. Just ask me anything and I'll sort all your problems out for you.

Right, I'm off, need some sustenance before bed time, fancy some rice pudding. Catch you soon. Toodle pip.

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