Monday, September 14, 2015

Walking day 1. Hunstanton to Wells

Hello, how ya diddlin? Monday morning and it's raining, and they are digging up the roads in the village with three way traffic lights installed, it's a nightmare. Good job I'm not going anywhere. Will need to get out tomorrow though, taking car for MOT test. Crafty Club this morning, catch up time with the ladies. Just eaten lunch, it was a warm up, food made last night, Quorn pieces, onions, broad beans and couscous. 
So, let's get back to the holiday posts, the first day of walking, last Monday morning. Quick breakfast at Hunstanton Hostel, not up to YHA standards though, but it filled a hole, this is an independent hostel. The plan is to walk to Wells along the coastal path, the best place to start is the sea front.    
It was a bit dull and overcast, not many people about, the seafront kiosks were setting up for the day, one or two holiday makers taking a morning stroll.  
Hardy souls getting ready for a spot of wind surfing, brrrr, bit cold for that.

And off they go. Looks good fun but you wouldn't catch me doing anything on water except maybe a bit of paddling, and then only up to my knees.

Heading towards Old Hunstanton the Promenade ends and from here on the coastal path does not hug the sea, leaving it to go inland for short distances, then back again.

I passed by a lot of beach huts nestled among the dunes, all were empty with no signs of life, seems like the season is over here. Some were a bit dilapidated and in need of repair, a few were freshly painted. It's a nice spot to have a beach hut, but not all have a beach view like I have, ha ha.  

Back onto the beach again and more people wind surfing. I came across miles of clean sandy beaches during this walk, it's a great coastline for family holidays and days out.

Follow the acorn sign for the coastal footpath. It took me away from the coast towards Thornham.

Passing Broad Water, a big pond on my right hand side. 
Thornham Church, time for a sit down and a bite to eat on a conveniently placed bench.

Love the painted village signs around here. This one was different on each side.

There isn't a through route close to the coast between Thornham and Brancaster so the path goes inland down a minor road and across a track, then back on a road again. Once through Brancaster it goes behind some houses alongside a marsh. There the walking is made easy with a long stretch of boardwalk. 
Skirting round Burnham Deepdale, passing these boats, I struck up a conversation with an elderly lady walking her black labrador. We talked dogs naturally, she made me laugh with the tale of her friend who sleeps with her Jack Russell. One night the friend farted, and the dog bit her bum. Yes, she really did say that.

The path then goes out towards the sea over the marshes. It's a path constructed with hardcore, and it's a long slog with not much to look at, unless you are a keen bird spotter. I thought it was never going to end, at one point I wondered if I had taken a wrong turn because it seemed to be going in the wrong direction. Here's a bit of recycling, half a boat attached to a bench to make a shelter. Brilliant idea.

I checked the map several times against the few landmarks in the distance, then it turned a corner and went round a bend, and another bend, and then I saw Burton Overy Staithe coming into view. The path took me across a field towards this windmill which was just outside the village.

Leaving Burnham Overy Staithe. 
Time was getting on and I still had a few miles to do. The coastal path heads out over the dunes towards the sea. At one point I found myself on the beach, but finding the path was guess work. I knew I had to head over to the right towards the corner of a wood, so I took whatever route looked the easiest to get there. It meant going back onto the dunes. The path went along the left hand side of the wood, easy enough, then crossed over through the middle to the other side.

Looking at the map there was still a long way to go and it was getting late. I decided to leave the coastal path at Holkham Beach, and head towards the road, the shorter more direct route to Wells Next the Sea. I knew this hostel was self catering so I needed to buy food for my evening meal and breakfast, luckily there is a large Co op supermarket close by. It was 8pm when I finally checked in.

22 miles walked, I was glad to sit down. More tomorrow. Thanks for popping in.
Toodle pip

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