Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Thumbs up for the teef ;o)

Hello. Good news on the toothy peg front, me gnashers are good, don't need any treatment, £18.80 paid for checkup, don't need to go for another year. Brushing and flossing is good for teeth, it saves you money, and pain. Clean teeth every morning and every night. Don't go to bed with dirty teeth, even if you are dead tired. Don't have a mug of cocoa in bed then go to sleep. Get up and go to the bathroom and brush. Don't drink that first cuppa of the day before you have brushed your teeth. Get up and brush first, then go downstairs and make a drink. Or get someone else to make it for you. These are the rules ;o)

My dentist is very nice, she is called Emma. She gives me a thorough check up around my whole mouth, sticks her fingers in, put your tongue to the left, and to the right, stick your tongue out. She prods and pokes about. Today she didn't have to say anything to her assistant who takes the notes, there was nothing to write down.

I had a terrible fear of dentists as a child. I remember going to the school dentist when I was at junior school. A big man came to the school once in a while, we all had to go and see him. It was an old building, there was a coal fire in the grate, and his sausage dog lay next to it. There wasn't a chair to sit in, you had to stand in front of the dentist with your mouth wide open. I remember having a tooth out, he dabbed some foul tasting brown liquid on it with cotton wool, then took a pair of pliers and yanked it out. He was horrible, I hated it.

When I was a bit older mum took me to a dentist in town, he worked from home, it was a big house and his front room was his surgery. His name was Mr Brown, everyone called him Butcher Brown. Another horrible man, more bad experiences.I was scared to death of him. Mum only took us if we were in pain, we never had regular check ups because my mum was scared of dentists herself. Eventually when I left school and started working, I found another dentist, Mr Stone in New Street was much better, though I only went when I had to.

When I went to live in Blackpool I went with my friend to the dentist, she was happy to go. I remember I had toothache on one particular occasion and she said come in with me and see the dentist. I said no, and stood outside waiting for her. I was in agony but wouldn't go in. Then some children came and happily skipped in through the door. I felt ashamed that I was too much of a coward to go in. Eventually the pain got so bad, and I thought of the children going in, and thought if they can do it I can do it. So I plucked up courage to go, and after that went more regularly. After three years living in Blackpool I went back home, and picked up with Mr Stone again. I stayed with him for many years until I moved away again.

When I came to live here I went to a dentist that someone recommended. I didn't like him though, he didn't say much and I like to be kept informed about what is going to happen. I don't like surprises, I want them to be nice to me. I mentioned it to my next door neighbour, who luckily enough was a dentist practice manager. She said come to our surgery, ring up and make an appointment, so I did. And that's how I met Emma. I will stick with her. Everyone at the practice is nice as well, the receptionists, and assistants, it's even nice sitting in the waiting room. It's a bit further for me to drive there, as it's the other side of town, but worth it so I'll keep going.

Anyway, that's my teef, now share your teef stories.

Tomorrow I will start getting a few things together for the holiday. Looking forward to that. Three blog readers have said they might be able to meet up, if they can spare the time. That would be nice, but if you can't ladies, don't worry. I don't expect people to drop what they are doing if you have commitments elsewhere. I have added an extra day to the holiday, a friend who used to live here in the village now lives near Great Yarmouth, so I'm going over there to visit. That will be nice.

Off to bed now. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip

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