Tuesday, September 22, 2015

New sleeping arrangements

Hello. I thought you might like a catch up with the family. Just back from a late walk with the extremely handsome Rocky. We don't go far, just a bimble up and down the road so he can have a sniff around and check out his territory. This cooler weather is not good for him, but luckily we had some sun today so we were both out in the garden. The medication is easing his arthritis, although he will never run about again, his tail is still wagging.  
This is Mayze's favourite place, she makes a dash to the kitchen window sill whenever she hears any kind of clattering of pots and pans. She enters at 90 miles an hour and launches herself from exactly the same spot every time, which is now making an indent in the vinyl floor covering. She watches me open the fridge door and waits in anticipation of some tasty morsel finding it's way onto her saucer. She does this at least six times a day, or more, but she does not always get something, she is a greedy madam.

Heidi is still camping out on the living room table. She spends a lot of time here, with the occasional trip out into the garden. The window sill is a very nice sun spot for her as well. I have to move the food tray off if I want to use the sewing machine. She will have to have another blood test soon to compare the readings with the first one she had.

The bestest cat in the whole wide world, Bugsy Baby Bugalugs stays mainly in the bedroom window sill. I have propped a door up against the curtain because he rolled over and fell out once. He likes to watch the world go by, and the king of the castle gets his food brought to him. He climbs down to use the litter box, and if it is sunny he will go outside. He can still get up and down with the help of a chair, not bad for 18 years old.

Now what's all this about new sleeping arrangements? Rocky has always slept on my bed with me, but during the last week he has been going to sleep for a couple of hours then waking up and has not been able to settle. He is tossing and turning trying to get comfortable. I wake up at about midnight to find his face looking down at me. I ask him what he wants but he doesn't tell me, so I have to guess. On with the dressing gown, pick up the torch, and out we go onto the garden. He has a pee, and we go back to bed.

Two hours later the same thing happens again, and sometimes it is three times in the night. This was not doing my beauty sleep much good and I was waking up in the morning with a headache and still tired. I came to the conclusion that the bed was too soft for him, so I brought his own bed upstairs and put it on the floor next to my bed. This didn't work, he preferred to lay on the carpet.

I have been carrying him up and down stairs for quite a while now because I don't want him to put any unnecessary pressure on his joints. His little legs have got to last him a while longer, and hopefully pain free if possible. Anyway, I have come up with an idea, where I don't have to carry him up and down stairs. Why don't I bring my bed downstairs. Now I am not going to clear a space and hump a chuffin great king size bed into the living room. Mind you looking across at the three piece suite I have in here, I could shift that upstairs and have my bed in it's place. That would be good, like a bedsit, everything in one room, ha ha.

The solution is I have a camp bed that is very comfortable to sleep on, so for the moment I am camping out in my living room. This lot gets taken downstairs and a bed made up. Rocky is happy on the floor he has plenty of space to choose his spot. Bugsy can have a poo in the night and I am not woken by the smell of it, so I don't have to get out of bed to move the litter box.

We have had two nights now where Rocky has not bothered me, and we have both slept through till 6.45am, so it's working. He didn't really need to go outside, he never has done before, so it was the soft bed that he wasn't comfortable with. Now we are both happy. I think I might need to move into a bungalow, ha ha.

Right, that's me done, got to make the bed up. It's surprising how comfy it is.
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip

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