Friday, May 20, 2016

A walk around Lockton and Levisham

Hello. Day three of my North Yorkshire bimble. I arrived home yesterday at 4pm after a short walk in the morning. Breakfast done and dusted and checked out of the B & B, I drove a few miles to the village of Lockton. I have walked in the area before and planned to take the Tabular Hills Walk over Levisham Moor to have a look at The Hole of Horcum, a natural amphitheatre, 400 feet deep and half a mile across. The Walking Englishman has done this walk, you can read about it on his web site
The Village Hall at Lockton looked like a very nice wooden shed, all neat and tidy and freshly painted. 
To avoid walking in the road, I took a track through a wood to Levisham. It was very pleasant, very quiet.

Here is a little video I made which gives a little taster of the tranquility of it.

This is the wide main street going through Levisham. Nobody has front gardens, just very wide grass verges.

I left the village by the side of the pub, following the road which turned into a track, towards the moor. I started to keep watch on the time, and wondered if my plan was going to make me late back to my car. Two ladies walking asked me for directions, and as my map had more detail than theirs I was able to point them in the right direction.

I could see my path ahead, up and over the moors, and checked the map, and found a short cut which looked more interesting. I decided on plan B, and shorten the walk to fit into the time I had left. Through another wood, through some fields where cows were grazing, and back to the start in the village. This pond had completely swallowed up the path next to Warren Farm, but luckily I found a way round the edge to go through that gate.

I was back at my car for 2.30pm, and back home for 4pm. Mileage for this walk was 6 miles, making a total of 26 miles over the three days. A boost for my challenge walk.

A couple of readers have asked about the B & B. Adam and Sue Gibson run Manor Farm, they have been doing B & B for 20 years. My room was a chalet type with a lockable front door. I could park right outside it, and the dining room was opposite in the main building.

The room was clean, plenty of bedding, and a modern bathroom with shower over bath, and plenty of smellies to choose from. Tea, coffee, and hot chocolate were available with a kettle, on a tray. TV on the wall and a chair to sit in. Choice of breakfast, full English, cereals, fruit, yogurt, and toast.

Here is a link to Manor Farm website. I would recommend it, a friendly place to stay and a good base for walking. I paid £70 for two nights, no supplement for single person occupancy.

Thank you to my two friends, Janet and Barry, for taking care of the the kids while I was away.

I've been out looking for a lost dog this morning, it escaped from a car a week ago and there are posters up all around the village. Several sightings have been made, but when anyone approaches it, it runs away. Anyway, must get on, plenty of jobs to do around the house. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

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