Sunday, May 1, 2016

Pink plant pots are in

Hello. Brown pots are out this year, pink pots are in. I've been sprucing up the summer house with the paint I had left over from last year. There was a bit left in the bottom of the tin and I hate to waste it so a few more things got the pink treatment. There is still some left, I will have a scout round tomorrow to find something else to paint pink. 
Lunch was a salad. There is a heck of a lot of spinach in a bag from Aldi. I will be turning into Popeye soon, with bulging muscles. 
I fancied pasta tonight so here we have it. I did a lot more pasta than I needed, and will use it up over the next few days. In the topping is one onion, mushrooms, sweetcorn, grated carrot and grated potato, spinach, a tin of tomatoes, garlic powder, spices, and porridge oats to thicken it. It tastes bloomin lovely. I've just scoffed this plateful.

A few walking group members have sent in their mileage updates for the walking challenge, thank you for that. Has anyone else got theirs? You can send it as a total, or just the April amount and I will add it together, and update the page. I had about four days off in April, the weather wasn't so good, or I was too busy. I should be making up for it in May with three walking days coming up. Some of you are doing very well, you must all be getting pretty fit by now. We are a third of the way through the year, the target was 333 miles for that. I didn't quite make it, but some of you are steaming ahead. The five month target is 416 miles. The six month target will be 500 miles. There is still plenty of time to get in your miles. If you don't want to do the whole year, you could split it into one month chunks of 83 miles. Any walking is better than no walking.

Right, I need to get off my bum and go and do my three miles now. My dinner has gone down and it's still light, it's not raining, so no excuses, just do it Ilona.

Thanks for popping in. Enjoy your Bank Holiday Monday. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

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