Friday, May 13, 2016

A quiet little corner. Ssshhhhhh.

Hello and Good Morning. Let's start the day with a walk on the hills, and in the woods, and down the track, and along the road, and around the fishing pond, and back up the hill. 
I avoid this walk in the winter because of all the mud clinging to my boots. It's not nice to be slipping and sliding about. But now it's a lot drier I will bimble around here in the sunshine. It's on my doorstep so three minutes and I am there. 

Some large trees have been cut up here. It looks as though they might have fallen across the path in high winds, and someone has been along to cut them into smaller chunks and move them to one side. This is also a bridle path so any obstructions would be dangerous to horse riders. I often see hoof marks on the ground.

Past the caravan park and onto the road . Lovely blossoms out at this time of the year.

This building was the offices for the dockyard. Not many boats come in now and the land is used for cement storage and distribution. The office block houses other businesses, see the old anchor embedded into the ground, a relic of the past.

The fishing ponds have changed dramatically over the last two years after a new owner took over and had a big tidying up operation. A machine has been at work taking out all the dead wood. The landscaping has opened it up to make a very pleasant place to walk. New trees have been planted to replace the old.

Climbing back up the hill through along the footpath through the field gives a lovely view over the pond and the river beyond. We get a few visitors from the caravan park, and one or two walkers passing by, but on the whole this is a quiet little haven which only the locals know about. So, sshhhh, don't tell everyone, keep it to yourself, ha ha.

It's looking like a lovely start to the day. It's Friday, so nearly the weekend, have a good one. Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

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