Sunday, May 15, 2016

The kids soaking up the sun

Hello. I've been outside most of the day, it's been lovely A few pictures of the kids. Cat on a plastic roof. Heidi climbs up onto the garage roof, then leaps across the gap onto the summerhouse. She is still doing well on half a tablet a day, wouldn't even know that she has a blood problem.  
Heidi, I would like to look at that map please, while I sit down for my coffee break.

Rocky has come out for a bimble around the garden to see what I am doing.

Every afternoon you will find Bugsy in his favourite place, taking in the sun on the windowsill. Every so often he will come off it and sprawl on the table, it gets very hot behind the glass.

Mayze sunbathes in the garden in her bed on the wooden shelves. She spends many a lazy hour here. All the kids are happy and content, good job they have me for a slave.

I snapped this sky out of a bedroom window last night. Isn't it fabulous. I love unusual cloud formations. 
Just a quickie tonight. I've got to go back out and water the flower beds. Haven't got many flowers yet, but I live in hope. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon. Toodle pip

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