Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Painting the world pink

Hello Peeps. That's a bit more of the pink paint used up, and I still have some left. Getting a bit short of ideas now. I have had these sticks in my garden for a long time, well over a year in fact. Guess where they came from? The churchyard when they trimmed the lime trees. You can see the post about it here. I thought it about time I gave them a new lease of life and make an artwork out of them. I had three fancy blocks with holes in, just the job, stack them and drop the sticks in. Looks pretty good, I think. 

There you are. You might remember I did something similar with a dead bush I dug up. The twigs were painted different colours and put into a plant pot. The post is here.

Dinner tonight was a super salad, nowt left, all scoffed. Cold pasta twists, mushrooms, cucumber, tomato, chopped spinach, boiled eggs, grated cheese, and mayo. £6 in a restaurant. Cafe de Tightwad Towers, really cheap.

I went to Arty Club this morning, I wasn't going to go because I didn't fancy doing water colour painting. I rang my friend to say I wasn't going, but she talked me into it, saying I could do my own thing. I sploshed some paint about and made a bit of a mess. The ladies are all very nice, but I am a bit of a rebel, I am also not very good at painting.

Thank you for your miles updates, I'm dead impressed with your enthusiasm. Long may it continue, I am willing you on to keep going and cross that finishing line at the end of the year. Do whatever miles you can, it isn't a race, everyone has different levels of fitness. Do whatever suits you best.

Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

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