Monday, May 16, 2016

And then we ate cake

Hello. It was cup cakes all round at the Crafty Club this morning. Now which one shall I chose. My birthday treat for my crafty friends. There were two left over so I gave them to the postmen. No, I didn't bake them, wouldn't know where to start. Tis easy to go to Tesco and buy them. 
Yes, May the 16th was the day I was born, so thank you to mum and dad for getting my life started nine months before.

I've had a nice day, busy. Playing around with the summer house, prettying it up. Then I went round to my friend Angela's house to show her how to make flowers out of drinks cans, she wants to make a hanging basket like mine. Afterwards she came back to my house and I gave her a few more crafty ideas and she is now looking for some sticks to paint.

Sorry this has to be a short post, I still have things to do. I have a busy birthday week ahead of me, let the celebrations begin. I will pop in when I can, maybe post some photo's.

We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.

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