Monday, May 9, 2016

Free food for the community

Hello. I picked up this leaflet from Tesco on Friday night, it looks as though they are going to make food donations to Fareshare. There is a web site to explain how it all works, but I am still not understanding how they are going to get the yellow sticker food which I normally buy, to the people who need it, in a short space of time. By the time it has had three markdowns, and numerous people handling it, it is often looking a bit tired, and some of it needs to be eaten within 24 hours. 
Fareshare is a go between for those donating the food and those needing the food. They receive the messages from the stores, and pass on the information to community groups who then have to organize collection. I can see this working for tins and packets, but not sure how a bag of salad is going to find it's way from Scunthorpe to Hull in the evening and be served up the next day. There isn't usually a lot left after customers have taken what they want, it's hardly going to be worth it to send a van for a few items. The only way they can make it worthwhile is to do away with yellow stickers altogether so there is more to donate and collect, but I can't see that happening. The quickest and easiest way to get rid of it is to sell it off cheap, then at least they still get a bit of income from it. We shall see.

My lunch today was YS sprouting beans, houmous, and salad leaves, with a quarter of quiche, baby toms and cucumber.

Dinner tonight was steamed potatoes and carrots from Aldi, and YS mushrooms with Quorn pieces in a creamy garlic sauce, made with garlic powder and cream cheese.

This weather is lovely, isn't it. Lets have more please. Thanks for popping in. Catch up soon.
Toodle pip

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