Saturday, May 7, 2016

Everything in the garden

Hello. It's been lovely weather, I think we are going to have a real hot summer, I feel it in my bones. Finally, I have used up the pink paint. See this gate? It's plastic. I picked it up after a motorhome show about eight years ago. I was there to collect a vehicle and drive it back to the depot after the show had finished. Some of the traders chuck out stuff that is damaged because they can't be bothered to take it back home with them. I picked this up and thought, that it might come in useful. 
I bashed two metal rods into the ground in the gap between the garage and the hedge, and this just slots onto them. The upright posts are hollow. It's beginning to look a bit tatty and could do with a face lift. No problem. 
Paint it pink. Looks great doesn't it. Not bad for a freebie, even the paint was free, given to me for the summerhouse. I'm well chuffed with it.

I think I might turn my garden into a pink theme park, ha ha.

Heidi is watching me from the rough patch of grass in the middle of the lawn. I leave it rough so the cats can snuggle into it in the sunshine.

Dinner tonight was a bit of a mishmash. I managed to get some yellow stickers last night, not as many as usual but enough. Chopped up baby sweetcorn, sliced mushrooms, and egg noodles on a bed of salad leaves. Very nice, quick to make in one pan. The turmeric makes it yellow.
I'm finding that it's too hot in the daytime to do my three miles, so I'm leaving it until the evening. The other night I didn't go until 9.30pm, and it was lovely, still warm but with a cool breeze. It's just gone 8pm now, so I think I'll get up and go.

Thank you for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.

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