Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day 6 Whitby to Scarborough

Oh my, more rain and wind today. It was raining when I set off from the Youth Hostel, after a gut busting breakfast. They do know how to fill a girl up before a long trek. Hostel breakfasts are great, you can stuff yourself silly if you wish. It was a bit disappointing to see the rain, but never mind, I togged up, no point in crying about it, just get on with it. 
It was a very strong wind, so I decided not to go on the coastal path, and took the road to Hawsker. At least I could stride out and rack a few miles up. One last look back at the Abbey, spooky eh! 

The rain wasn't hammering it down like it was on Friday, more like squally showers. But the wind was pretty strong so when it wasn't raining I was getting dried off. I left the road at High Hawsker and turned onto the Cinder Track. This used to be a railway line years ago. At least I would get some shelter from the elements as trees and bushes lined the track, and it had a flat surface so I could carry on walking quickly.

I came into Robin Hoods Bay and luckily the rain stopped for a while so I was able to take a few snaps, and have a bite to eat. There was a few people walking around the tiny cobbled streets, they come here whatever the weather. You can't drive down into the village, you have to leave your car in the car park at the top of the hill. Alright walking down but it's a long steep slog back up again.

Lots of little olde worlde shops. 

 There are steps everywhere, and plants growing up the fronts of the houses.

 I went onto the Promenade and watched the kids getting a lesson on the seashore.

Soon it was time to go, a lot of ground to cover today. I decided to risk it on the coastal path and climbed the steps to the clifftop.

I didn't stay on the coastal path very long, just past Boggle Hole I got back on the Cinder Track again. I needed to keep up a quick pace and couldn't do that if I was being blown sideways and constantly going up and down steps. The ground was uneven so that was slowing me up as well.

The Cinder Track runs parallel to the coast anyway, I could still see the sea over on my left. Mile after mile I covered on that track, it's long and flat and straight. There are still some of the old platforms where the stations used to be. This station has been converted to a very desirable detached house.

My plan was to head for the Youth Hostel near Scalby on the outskirts of Scarborough. It is about 20 miles from Whitby, so I was told. I could really have done with going on a bit further, to ease the pressure of doing an extremely long walk tomorrow. My feet were feeling a bit sore, and I was ready to get my boots off so I went to the Hostel. The hostel owners were not around, taken the dog for a walk I was told, by their parents who had been left in charge. They offered me a cup of coffee while I waited, they weren't able to book me in because they didn't know which room I should be put into. I noticed that the hostel is down in a dip, high banks all around it, so I looked at my phone, no signal. This wasn't going to be any good for getting onto the internet, I needed to be higher up. I made my excuses and left to look somewhere else. My clothes were wet and I didn't want to sit around in them, I needed to get them off.

So, I walked towards town and found a street that is high up, with some B & B signs. I rang the bell of one that looked ok, and was pleased to find they had a room. So here I am, sat on the bed in my en suite room, watching TV and talking to you. How much ? £26. Struck lucky again, breakfast is at 8am.  

Let's get up to date with the mileage. Just over 100 so far.
Thursday 15.46
Friday 15.44
Saturday 17.17
Sunday 17.00
Monday 19.88
Tuesday 19.50

I think I'm going to be stuck for a bed tomorrow night, I'm not passing through any built up areas, so I'll have to ask around. Maybe find a farmhouse that does B & B. I would like to get to Driffield, but that is expecting a bit too much, even with my fast pace. We shall see, I'll get the maps out and study them once more, to see if I can find a solution. Catch you tomorrow, signal permitting.
Toodle pip

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