Friday, September 13, 2013

Day 8 Nafferton to the Humber Bridge

I'm having a lazy day today, I need to keep the weight off my right ankle, which is quite badly swollen. I'm not sure what has caused this. I've worn these boots before on a long walk, and they were perfectly alright then. I'm sure no lasting damage has been done and the swelling should go down in a day or two. The blisters are no bother, just small ones which are healing nicely.
It was dry when I left Nafferton at 9am, and was to remain dry all day, thank goodness. I had thought I might head for Driffield, but looking at the map, I could save a bit of time by bypassing it. After a hearty breakfast at the Starr Inn, I passed the very large duck pond on the way out. Mums had just dropped their youngsters off at school, and stopped to feed the ducks with their toddlers. There is a specially built concrete ramp at the corner of the pond so the birds can come up close and jump out of the water.

 It's a huge pond with little coves, a nice haven for wildlife.

 The church opposite stands on a small hill, looking quite grand.

I had decided that I could possibly get home if I put my mind to it. My feet were feeling sore, so it wouldn't have been much fun to dilly dally about. I wasn't sure how many miles I had to cover, but estimated it to be similar to yesterday, 20 and a bit. Worth giving it a go. I started marking the map at one hour intervals, to see how much ground I could cover in the time. I was between Wansford and Skerne in one hour, at Cranswick in two hours, at Beswick in three hours, and Leconfield in four hours. That gave me some idea that I could cover the distance and get home. I have to say that the ankle was giving me some grief when I was at Beswick, I could have sat on that church bench for the rest of the day. But I was in a tiny village in the countryside, what could I do, knock on someone's door and say, my feet hurt? They might have offered me a cup of tea, but I was not immobile, I could carry on. So my solution was to press on, the quicker I get there, the quicker I can sit down.  
I came into Beverley and walked right through the centre of town. I have been here before so no need to look around. Just a few quick pics. The name of this street is, North Bar Without. Always amuses me.

 I walked past the church, the cathedral is in another part of town.

 There is a lot of work going on in the Market Place, it's very dusty and noisy. This pub is close by.

 I found out that they have extended the cycle track all the way from Beverley to the Humber Bridge, that's handy, that's just what I need. A lot of it runs alongside the busy A164 road, but comes off it now and then and takes a slightly different route. I decided to leave the A164 just past Castle Hill Hospital and take the road to Willerby and Anlaby. down to Hessle. I have used this route before, it is not straight forward but takes you away from the busy road.

And this is the last pic, at the toll booths of the bridge, waiting for the bus to take us across. My feet are knackered and I can't walk any further. Puddytat says he has had a lovely journey, but didn't like being covered up in the rain.

Total miles for the trip is 152, an average of 19 a day over eight days, mostly on the flat, with a few ups and downs along the coast roads. That will do nicely. It is the second highest mileage, the most being Morecambe to the Humber Bridge at 162 miles, and that took nine days.

I have a short video which I did yesterday, it's taking ages to load onto yootoob, so I'll post it on tomorrow. Just a quick thank you to the people who read my blog, for following me on my trip. I feel as if I wasn't alone, knowing I had you to chat to each night. Thank you to Brenda who put me up for the night, it was lovely meeting you and your family. Your kindness will be rewarded. Thank you to Julie who came out to meet me, twice. You are a fabulous lady doing a very difficult and challenging job. Bless you for caring.  And the biggest thank you to my fantastic cat sitter and friend, Janet, you are a star.
Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip.

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