Monday, September 2, 2013

Mammoth recycling task

Ha ha, thought you might like this one, taken from an upstairs window. Look at the size of those monsters, towering above the garage. I have had to put extra lashings of rope across to hold them steady and stop them getting bashed in the wind. Still more flowers to come, must be about 12 feet tall now. I think I'll get some sweet peas next year, at least I will be able to see the flowers without needing binoculars.  
Craft and Chat club this morning. They have extended the time, we can now stay until 2pm, which is better really because by the time we have stopped nattering and looking at craft books, and drinking coffee, there's not much time left for actual craft work. Nine ladies turned up, some of them have brought different projects to work on from when they first started. I am plodding on with the patchwork because I want to finish it before I start on something new.
Last time I was there, two weeks ago, Ann the leader said they are having some new curtains for the stage. I said I might be interested in taking the old ones, instead of them being thrown out. The curtain man came today, to measure up, and I was asked if I was still interested. I thought about it for a few minutes, after inspecting them. They are a bit scruffy, and grubby, but I thought I would rise to the challenge of giving them a new lease of life. I haven't a clue what I will do with them. Wash them of course, but then what? I will have to cut them into sections to get them in the washing machine.
So, here's a challenge for you. What can I make with large amounts of dusky pink fabric? It isn't particularly heavy fabric like they use in upholstery, and not thin either. They are not velvet so they will wash, and they are lined with white, erm was white, cotton. There are a few snags in them where the threads have been caught, so they would only be suitable to make something useful which doesn't have to be the best quality.  Come on put your thinking caps on. Give us a clue.    
Here's another surprise I had this morning. Ann presented me with a large piece of brand new blue denim, it was left over from an upholstery project. It measures 5feet wide and 14 feet long. Well I immediately thought bags, but I will give it some thought and see if I can come up with another idea. Unless you can think of something original. Spose I could make ten pairs of jeans, ha ha. No maybe not. I haven't worn jeans for years, too itchy scratchy for me.
I have all my maps printed for the trip now. I was hoping to go over the Transporter Bridge over the Tees to Middlesborough, but checking the web site it says it's closed for painting and maintenance. That's a disappointment as it looks dead interesting. I've got to go towards Billingham and cross the river further down, and walk back alongside it on the south bank. I should be able to get some photo's though as the road passes quite close to the bridge. You can read about the Transporter Bridge here.  Here is a picture of the bridge.
Getting excited, not long now. Jane asks if I have a route. Well sort of is the answer. Start at the Tyne and finish at the Humber. Should be good. Are you coming with me.
Toodle pip.

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