Thursday, September 19, 2013

Inspiration for us all.

I was a bit late back last night after visiting my sister, then my uncle. Sis and hubby have a new bungalow, well not new exactly, it needs a lot of work doing to it to make it habitable. They have downsized, and are now living in their caravan, on site while the work is being carried out. All the rooms are bare, it will be a new bathroom, kitchen, and a conservatory built on the side. A big task to undertake. It's a bit like those tele programmes where someone buys a wreck at a knockdown price at an auction, then proceeds to turn it into a little palace. They have got a lot of work on there.

Ninety year old uncle is still getting on with his life, still as sharp as ever. When I told him about my sore ankle, it's more the heal actually, he got his ancient medical books out so I was able to look up the symptoms, and read what treatment is needed. I think I have a sprain, still a bit sore, and need to elevate the foot and put a cold compress on it. Easier said than done, I hate being immobile. Still, needs must and I have been sitting here with my leg on the dining room table, with a bag of peas on my foot, sewing, and watching catchup tv.

I've been reading about a new Channel 4 programme called Fabulous Fashionistas, it was broadcast on Tuesday night. My sis was also raving about it saying how good it is, so this morning I sat and watched it while I got on with the patchwork.

I have to say, it was pretty darn good. It's about six older women, in their seventies and eighties, who refuse to give up and die. They are living life to the full and having a ball. People often say I inspire them, but who inspires me? Women like these on this programme do. They all don't give a damn what others think of them, they are all fashionable, they go to work, one has a husband 27 years younger than her, they are just amazing. I must say, I felt like I was a teenager, 64, phew, just a spring chicken. These women are busy, they exercise, they look after themselves, and they love life. They mad me laugh, and I shed a tear. Definitely women to aspire to.

If you have a spare 47 minutes, have a look at it. It's on 4oD and yootoob, so everyone should be able to see it. I guarantee you will love it.

Fabulous Fashionistas on Channel 4oD

Fabulous Fashionistas on youtube

Happy viewing. Toodle pip

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