Saturday, April 5, 2014

Another run, with a bit of walking, in the park

Oh cor blimey, this is dancing all over the page.
Copied and pasted from an email, and the parkrun
(not Park Run) web site. Now it's too wide, I hope it all fits.
Today, as you can see was my
personal best of 36 minutes 57 seconds.
Not a great achievement but not bad considering
I got a horrible stitch pain again, and had to do a few
very fast walking bits till it eased off.
parkrun results for event #59. Your time was 00:36:57.
Congratulations on completing your 3rd parkrun today. You finished in 229th place and were the 97th
female out of a field of 259 parkrunners and you came 3rd in your age category VW60-64.
Congratulations on setting a new Personal Best at this event! Congratulations on your fastest time this year.
You achieved an age-graded score of 54.85%. 
You have earned 4 points for this run, giving a total of 6 points in this year's parkrun points competition.

Summary Stats
Age Grading54.85 %52.05 %49.07 %
Overall Position229240.00256
Gender Position97105.33111

Best Annual Achievements
Year  ↓Best Time  ↓Best Age Grading  ↓

All Results
Run Date  ↓Event Number  ↓Pos  ↓Time  ↓Age Grade  ↓PB?  ↓

I don't understand all these numbers, I don't need to, as far as I'm concerned I'm not in a competition, only interested in my own time. The overall position has a lot to do with where you are in the queue before you start. I get there late so I am somewhere near the back. The front ones are bound to start a few seconds before those bringing up the rear filter past the start line. I was 3rd in my age category, that sounds quite good.

I had a lighter breakfast this morning, half a mug of coffee and two rounds of toast. Much better for my stomach, no sloshing about and feeling full up. I didn't see the lady I met last time, but I did stop and have a chat at the end of it with two young ladies that used to live next door to me. It was nice to see them, shame they moved they were good neighbours.

I've been in the garden this afternoon as the weather has warmed up a bit here. Tidying up is ongoing, today I was on my hands and knees scraping the weeds out from between the paving stones. I'll do a bit of tidying very day then it won't get out of hand. 

I see I have a few new readers, welcome to the mad house. There's a bit of allsorts here, hope you enjoy your visits. I'm going to hit the publish button and see what happens. Toodle pip.

Oh gawd, what a mess. I squished the top bit up because half the words were lost off the edge, now a paragraph near the bottom has shrunk. I'm backwards an forwards like a fiddlers elbow. Let's see what this looks like.

I give up. I hate a messy layout, but it will have to do. 

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