Friday, April 11, 2014

Free haircuts at the Back Door Salon

I look such a sight when my hair gets this long. It hangs around my face and annoys me, it looks straggly and unkempt, and adds another ten years to my age. There isn't much artificial colour left in it, the sun tends to bleach it, leaving the roots a little darker than the rest of it. I can't decide whether to colour it again, I'll think about it, maybe do it on a whim when I fancy a change. 
Anyway, it's time for a haircut, I go to the Back Door Salon to get this done, it costs me nothing. My hairdresser is a whiz with a brush and a pair of dressmaking scissors. 
Ten minutes later it's trimmed to my liking. No booking an appointment, no waiting in a queue, no time to sit down even. There you are Madam, all done, no you don't need to pay me, it's free.

Only one thing left to do, boil a kettle of water, and wash it. I wouldn't normally blow dry it, but as it is a pic for the blog I will make an effort. That's better, a bit shorter in the neck and some of the weight taken out of the top so it has more spring in it. Some of the bulk taken out at the back so it looks a bit layered, instead of a pudding basin cut. Next please, anyone else want a free hair cut?

I made too much dinner tonight and some has had to go in the fridge to be consumed tomorrow. Steamed cauliflower, frozen peas and beans, and fresh spinach, served on a bed of couscous. No sauce, no spices, no nothing added, just nude food, and I'm chuffin full.

It's the weekend, I hope you have a good one. Get off your backside and get out in the sunshine. I want to see you running, walking, gardening, cycling, roller skating, skateboarding, kicking a ball about, playing tennis, in fact anything that makes you move.  Toodle pip.

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