Wednesday, April 23, 2014

ilona original designer bag

After Sue sent me a picture of herself with her 'ilona' bag, from Scotland, I put a call out for any more photo's of the bags I have sent out. I had an email. Thank you to the lovely Shabana for modelling an original 'ilona' bag. As you can see she is on holiday by the seaside. She says the bag is coming in very handy, carrying all her stuff around, including her flask of coffee, and is coping with the rain very well.  
Shabana takes her favourite designer bag into the Pier Pavilion at Southport, to sit down and drink her coffee and enjoy the gorgeous view. Next week she will be back at school when the 'ilona' bag is used for carrying her books backwards and forwards. I'm glad you are finding it useful.

I will make a new page for the bags, so if anyone else wants to send a photo, with a short description of where in the world they are, I will add it to the page. In the meantime I have two more bags to send out. They have over the shoulder handles like the one Shabana is carrying. If you want one drop me a comment here, and I will draw two names out. Will post anywhere in the world. Closing at 6pm UK time on Friday. Good luck.
Toodle pip.

Oooops, almost forgot. Two of our kitty's have been rehomed this week. They have been in the pens for a few months, so it's great that they have at last gone to a new forever home. We wanted them to go together, and they weren't that young so they were being overlooked. But a kind family came along and fell in love with them. We are so pleased that it's a happy ending.

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