Saturday, April 26, 2014

Forgotten something?

I started this post an hour ago, boy do I get distracted on this computer. I've been on yoootooob, and you know how it is, one thing leads to,another. Anyway, I'd better get on with this. What was it doing this morning, raining, and did I do the Parkrun, yes I did, in the rain, must be bloomin daft. There was a decent turnout, I thought people wouldn't be bothered, but they did, 250 or thereabouts. Sad to say though that I got a stitch, and didn't get a personal best, I finished on 38 minutes 12 seconds. Oh well never mind, at least I made the effort. 
I had an hour in town after, needed a few things from various shops. Aldidly are having an extension built and some of the car park has been dug up to lay new foundations. It was busy with shoppers and I sat in my car for a few minutes wondering if I could be bothered to go in. I hate it when it's busy, queue's at the checkouts and you get zapped through at breakneck speed, hardly have time to get your money out of your purse before she is thrusting the change into your hand. I needed a few food items so I had to go in, I haven't got much left. Fridge and freezer nearly empty, and only a few tins. Not enough to last until I go away. 
This afternoon was spent in the garden, it brightened up and was quite warm. Planted out more broad bean plants, and a few runner bean plants. Then I got a chair outside and sat and had a can of cider, and fell asleep. 
Guess what I had for my dinner tonight, yep, veg, this time with rice. I fancied rice today. 
Remember the three final gas and electric bills from British Gas, with  nothing to pay. Guess what, I have had another one, in the words of Victor Meldrew 'I DON'T BELIEVE IT'. This time they want a whole 32p from me. I really can't be bothered to go through the whole rigmarole of phoning them so I have gone for the easy option and paid it. There was a bit of confusion over the opening reading for the electricity, maybe that's what has caused it. The computer can't cope with common sense and spews out bills willy nilly.

I forgot to get a tub of spread for my bread, never mind. Last week I bought a pack of butter for a change. I never usually buy butter, but I fancied some. I won't be buying it again, it's very moorish and I soon got through it on toast and crackers. Not good to eat too much butter. In my case it comes under the same category as chocolate and crisps and fresh cream, and cakes and biscuits, I try not to buy any.

I usually forget something when I go shopping. Take a list I hear you say, no, I can't be bothered to make a list, because there is absolutely nothing that I can't live without. My shopping is made up of a few items I buy regularly so easy to remember those, and other things I might only buy once every few months, it's those that I forget sometimes. And if I forget something I can't have wanted it very badly, or I would have remembered.

I don't have to put spread on my bread, I can use something else. I have soft cheese that will do, or I can put some lemon curd on it. What I am saying is that if I have forgotten something it means I haven't spent any money on that item, and I will make do with whatever I already have. A cheap way of shopping for me, forget half of what I went for, ha ha.

I can't understand why people have to run to a local shop because they have forgotten something from the supermarket. Why not just manage without it and save money. Chances are you go for the one item and come out with half a dozen others that you didn't really need. Best to try and keep out of shops if you want to save money :o)) So next time if you have forgotten something just say stuff it, and try and remember it next time. Then you might forget something else, but that doesn't matter because you won't spend so much.
Toodle pip.

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