Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Everybody outside

And here is the daily news. This morning it was a bit misty, everything outside was wet after heavy rainfall overnight. After lunch I went out into the garden to plant the seed potatoes in their beds. The cats came out with me as the sun had come out. Mayze climbed up into the sun lounge bed, aka the wooden shelving next to the garage. She said do not disturb me, I'm going to sleep. 
Heidi decided to stay at ground level and view my activities from the decking.

Then Heidi went walkabout past Bugsy who was basking in the sun.

We had a visitor, Rocky came to say hello. 
Later on I went over to Helen's new house to do a bit more in the garden. I cut the conifer hedge down the left hand side in the back garden. Another opportunity to pop into the small Tesco before I came home, and what do you think I found. Yes, more vegetables. I got four bags of mixed veg, carrots, baby sweetcorn, and broccoli. They were £1.30 each, the yellow sticker said 16p each. When I got to the till I had 64p ready to pay, the staff member said it was 48p. I queried it and he said there was an offer of buy 3 pay for 2. I was chuffed with my bargain. I didn't buy anything else because it wasn't cheap enough, and there was not much there anyway. So, keep on munching the veg. I heard on the radio today that we are supposed to be eating seven portions of fruit and veg a day, not five. That's me sorted then.
Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip.  

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