Friday, April 25, 2014

Fit for human consumption + 2 winners

Good evening from a wet and misty North Lincolnshire. The weather has been pretty dull all day, with heavy downpours on and off. Hope it picks up in time for my long walk. I've had a rethink on the start date and put it back a couple of days. There's a bank holiday next weekend and if the weather is good it will bring crowds of day trippers and long weekenders out across the Pennines, possibly making it difficult for me to find a bed. I'd rather hit those places midweek giving me a better chance. Should work out ok. 
Now these leaves don't look very tasty, a nice snack for a rabbit maybe. I've been saving them up, left over bits from a cauliflower, and the heart of a cabbage a week past it's sell by date. Should be enough to make a couple of bowls of soup.  
All the best bits chopped up in a pan. I did take the manky leaves to a neighbours two white rabbits, they were chuffed, ha ha. These were boiled up and some beansprouts and spices added. Curry powder, turmeric, wholegrain mustard, and garlic powder.

Then I zapped it with the stick blender, and just before serving I added two spoons of plain yogurt. A nice spicy soup with a slice of wholemeal bread, it went down a treat, and enough left for tomorrow.

Right, here is the moment you have all been waiting for. The winners of the two home made ilona bags


Please send a comment including your name and postal address (which I won't publish), and I will get the bags off to you pronto. So sorry I don't have enough bags for everyone, it would be lovely if I could afford to send more. Thank you all for taking the time to read my blog and comment, I appreciate it. 
Now it's the weekend again. If it isn't raining in the morning I will do the Parkrun. Anyone else doing it? Whatever you are doing I hope it is a good weekend for you.
Toodle pip. 

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