Monday, April 14, 2014

Tarting the place up.

Good morning. It is a bright and sunny Monday morning and I will bash out a few words before I go to craft club. I will be taking the new denim bag with me, I found some silvery beads of the right size to sew onto the red stitching, looking good.

Yesterday was spent doing a bit of this and a bit of that, mainly in the garden. I painted the side of the garage, it is now restored to it's bright yellow colour. It was looking a bit faded, and luckily I had enough paint left to give it another coat. The doors look a bit shabby, I found half a tin of black gloss paint and painted the bit above the doors and the supporting pillars down each side. There wasn't enough for the actual doors, but I have found a half tin of clear varnish which will make the dull faded wood look a bit smarter. I don't intend spending money on it, using up bits of paint is the way to go.

Looks like we might be in for a nice week, weather wise. My thoughts are turning to a long walk. I have been thinking of where to go next. To cut the travelling down I have found it easier to get a train out and walk back, that saves one day, but the last twenty or so miles are a bit boring as it is closer to home, I know it so well. So what I thought is I might start walking from home and get the boring bit over first. Do it the opposite way round. At the moment I am looking at walking to Newcastle, or to Southport, both about 130 - 140 miles away. I need to get some maps and study.

The reason I am sticking with the north of the country is that the cost of B & B's are higher the further south you go. And as I said above, to spend a day driving to the start and another day driving back at the end, wastes a day. I would love to walk further south, but I have to think of what I can afford, and the length of time I am able to get away for. Exciting times, I'm itching to go.

Anyway, got to get ready, I will pop back later with the daily news. Toodle pip.

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