Monday, June 9, 2014

Bag goes on a trip to the Lakes

Hello bloggerettes. It will be a short one tonight. I have spent the day putting my house back to normal, The spare room was a tip after dumping the stuff I brought back from the sale. It needed to be boxed up tidily and put away. Then all the stuff from the church had to be collected and put away as well. The art pieces are now back on my living room wall, and the bags are stored in a plastic box. The tables we used for the sale had to be put back in the outhouse. The carpets had to be dysoned due to oldie cat Bugsy shedding his hair like nobodies business. It's a wonder he is not bald by now. And now I am going to get a bath.

Before I go, thanks to Eileen, we have another bag photo for the gallery. Must update the page when I get a minute. This is what Eileen says....think she might be too shy to be in the picture.

Hi Ilona, I was the lucky winner of one of your bags in October 2011. It has been out on many trips with me since. It carries my flask and lunch and has often been admired.  The latest trip was to the beautiful gardens at Holehird near Windermere. I decided I must send you a picture for your gallery.
Best Wishes, Eileen.

Any more bags for the gallery?

Helping Helen tomorrow, she has some wood she wants shifting now. The house is almost ready and the tenant she has found wants to move in this week. Busy busy.
Toodle pip.

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