Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Have you got your bag?

I've got steam coming out of my ears here, should have asked Nellie to write this post. She isn't around so I will get it off my chest while I have a few minutes. It's in the news again, free plastic carrier bags are to be phased out at the checkouts. It's been in the pipeline for years, but we seem to be moving a step forward and there will be a charge of 5p per bag to be introduced next year. Read all about it in the Daily Wail.
While you're at it, read the comments following the article, that's the reason I have steam coming out of my ears. I am all in favour of reducing the amount of bags that are given away willynilly, and all in favour of re using what we already have, but a lot of people just don't get it. The whinging and moaning is pathetic. Here are some of the reasons why folks are angry, and my answers.
Just another ploy to make more money out of people. No. You can buy one bag for life usually around 10p, and when it is broken they will exchange it free of charge for a new one. 
Let's add to the already high cost of living. You don't need to buy plastic bags if you don't want to. Take re usable bags with you every time you go shopping.
These bags come in handy as bin liners, that's recycling isn't it? No, you throw them out in the rubbish, one use in a bin isn't recycling. 
Don't forget to launder your re-usable bag after every use, to kill the nasty organisms they pick up. For goodness sake !&?!@!+! cough splutter. !!! So all the food you buy is unwrapped?
I go to the supermarket after work, does that mean I have to go to work with a bag every time I go out? You can get bags that fold up very small, just put it in your hand bag, they take up very little space. 
Why should we pay to advertise the store? You don't have to. Buy a bag that doesn't have a logo on it, or make your own. 
I wouldn't pay 5p for a bag and will shop elsewhere. Your choice. You don't have to pay 5p every time you shop, just get a stronger bag for a one off payment and you can use it over and over again. 
I can't be bothered to remember to take bags with me when I go shopping. You can pay for them every time you shop then if you have the money to throw away. Your choice.
At this point I had to stop reading, it's doing my head in, ha ha. 

I've been looking for vids on the bag for ;life subject.

Here is one with a bit of humour.

An easy tutorial to make a tote bag. 
I do it slightly different to this. My handles are shorter, but you can make them longer if you want to sling it over your shoulder. I also tuck the ends of the handles into the top seams if the fabric isn't too heavy and bulky. I make a box bottom by stitching across the bottom corners. Have a go at this one if you own a machine and see how you go. 

One I made last week.  

Anyone up for making their first bag, do your bit for the environment, and your purse. If you don't want to pay for your bags every time you go shopping get into the habit now of taking them with you, putting them back into the car every time you empty them so the are always there. If you don't drive, keep a fold up bag in your handbag. You can fold up the 10p plastic bags for life very small, and put them in your pocket. Do your bit for the planet, please get organised, think, 'have I got my bag', every time you step out of the front door. Thank you.
Toodle pip.

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