Sunday, June 1, 2014

Cheap as cheese

It's a glorious day in North Lincolnshire, I woke at 6am and rolled over for another hour's kip. After coffee and bran flakes with a banana, I went off to the car boot sale at the football ground. Not looking for anything in particular, just to see if I could snaffle a bargain. And I did. You know I have a boot fetish, in fact I was just thinking the other night, at the party, that I was probably the only female wearing boots. No I didn't have great big hob nail boots on, I had a pair of black, dainty, soft bootees on. They fit like a pair of gloves and are so comfy. 
Anyway, what did I buy at the car boot sale? I found a smashing pair of boots for just £5. Look, don't you think they are the bees knees, ha ha. Hardly worn, size 6, fitted me so well that I kept them on and brought my old tatty pair home in a bag. The old ones are not finished with yet, they have been relegated to gardening boots. 
Heidi getting in on the act. This brings my boot count up to eight, plus a pair of boot style trainers. Boots for all occasions, I love them. all bought from car boot sales or charity shops, except for those I walk long distances in. They have to be as perfect fit as I can get, if they are to stay on my feet for 12 + hours a day.

I spotted these judo belts on the Rabbit Rescue pitch, 50p for both. They will be useful for something, maybe handles for bags.

I have had it in mind to get a strimmer for ages, to make tidying the edges of the garden a bit easier. I get a bit fed up of getting down on my hands and knees with a pair of shears, or pulling weeds up with my hands. The whole job takes ages. The bank balance is healthy so I think I can afford to buy a gadget to make my life a bit easier. I went across the road to B & Q while I was in that vicinity. My friend Polly works on the checkouts there, at the weekends. I studied the range of strimmers on offer, nothing too technical, nothing too cheap, a mid range would suit me. There was an older male assistant wearing the standard orange apron, to help me out. I love the way they employ oldies on the shop floor on a part time basis. B & Q  recognise that a person is not past it just because they have hit retirement age. In fact they often prove to be more helpful, simply because they have the skills required and the knowledge they need for the products they are selling. Anyway, got my Bosch strimmer, so weeds beware, you're gonna get slashed. Must be careful though, I have froggies in the garden.

Here is my light lunch today. Salad - carrot, pickled onions, two kinds of tomatoes, cucumber, and a few salad leaves from the box. Need to let them recover for a few days before I pick again. Three kinds of cheese and three crackers, with dollops of tartar sauce. It's all gone, scoffed the lot. Well not all the cheese, that has gone back in the fridge.  
I took some pictures yesterday of these gorgeous flowers, I have seen them dotted about in various gardens. Aren't they wonderful. 

Right, lunch eaten, I'm off out into the sunshine, to play with my new toy. Weeds beware. I hope your Sunday is full of sunshine and fun. Toodle pip.

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