Saturday, June 7, 2014

It did rain on our parade.

There's not a lot I can say about today, except, what a washout. The outdoor fete was cancelled at 9am, it started raining, and continued to rain for most of the day. I spent time in church, in attendance to meet and greet visitors there, of which there weren't many. I can't blame people for not venturing out, best place to be was indoors. Even my efforts at making big, 'Church Open' boards out of old paste tables and standing them in prominent positions outside the church gates, was not enough to bring people in. There was hardly any  people about to see them.

We have a second chance tomorrow. Because it is a two day event, the stall holders who couldn't set their stalls out today have been invited to set up down at the bottom pub or the caravan park down the hill tomorrow. There are things going on on the river, boat rides, plus a hog roast, billed as a family day, so there should be a few folks about. We are going to give that a try, but it means loading the car up and going down there. The weather is forecast to be better. In fact the chuffin sun is out now and it's really warm outside, at ten minutes to eight. This weather doesn't make sense at all. I hope it's better where you are and you have a nice Sunday. Toodle pip.

PS. Did you know George Clarke's Amazing Spaces is back. Take a look at it here. The gorgeous William is with him again. I've just watched the first episode, it's on a Thursday night on Chanel 4.

PPS. We re-homed another cat this week. One that has been with us for a while. We have also taken in one that has been abandoned, found hanging around a housing estate, the owners are thought to have moved away. The poor cat is scrawny thin with a dirty coat, and has a poorly eye. Thankfully with some vet treatment it is getting better.
Toodle pip again.

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