Friday, June 13, 2014

Let's have a natter

Hey my little bloggerettes, hows the money saving going? Have you stopped spending willynilly on stuff you don't need? I hope so. You won't get rid of your overdraft and your credit card bills if you don't pull your socks up and do something about it. You know you can't go on living the lifestyle you want if you keep bashing the plastic, because one day it's going to catch up with you. Best start now and make some decisions. Do you want to be in debt forever or get rid of it? 
I haven't talked much about frugal living, stop spending, living within your means, and money saving, for a while now. To be honest it slips my mind sometimes, I live that way naturally, and I keep forgetting that you are all at different stages with your finances. If you don't have any debt like me, just keep plugging away at keeping your head above water. Watch your spending, study your bank statements, and be careful when you open your purse. If you are in debt and need to make changes to get rid of it, take this as a kick up the @rse and get on with it. No whinging no moaning, that debt is not going to fade away. The quicker you put it at the top of your list of priorities the better. 
Now where was I after that little pep talk, ha ha. Yes, I went to town this morning to pay my credit card bill. Paid on the nail, every month, in full. I took a few books into the Age UK charity shop, and had a look round while I was there. Everything is £1, so there is a good chance I will pick up a bargain. Here I am modelling a pink fleecy, erm, sort of nightie come dressing gown. It looks almost brand new, and fits me like a sack. It will be lovely and warm over my clothes in the winter, not for going out in, silly, but for mooching round the house. I may of course cut it up and make something with it. 
Quite snazzy isn't it.

My friend Barry keeps waking up too early because his curtains are not thick enough to keep out the early morning sun. I thought I would look for some thicker curtains for him. I found these for £1, they are really big. I had to guess the size, these are fully lined. A bargain eh! Sadly they are not long enough. Never mind, I will make some shopping bags out of them.

Here is the pattern in detail. I have enough curtains for my own house, so they will get the chop. The bags will be doubly thick because I will use the lining as well.

Last night was a Tesco Dash night. Haven't been for ages after managing on bits and bobs, so I needed to fill my fridge. I was lucky with the yellow stickers, I saw a scrum halfway up the aisle as they brought them all out. I was in there with the rest of them, getting my share. I got loads of pasta and salady stuff. This is my lunch which I have just scoffed. A plastic box of Red pesto and piquillo pepper pasta salad. I suppose two people could share this but as I got three boxes I ate one in this meal. 
Here is the price, 22p, a bargain. Served with half a bag of salad leaves, five small tomatoes, and two slices of cheddar cheese. The cheese was cheap from the cash and carry as it is about to go out of date.

This is how I mark my receipt when I check all the items and prices. I will be adding this to the page above shortly. Yes, I did buy some Value crisps this time. Only because I haven't had any for months, and I just fancied some. I haven't any potatoes in to make my own, and 66p for a 12 bag multipack isn't too much. I also confess to buying a 4 pack of cider for £2.15, and a cheap bottle of wine for £3.99. Treats for the next few weeks. £11 was spent on cat food. They get what they need, and I have to make do with what I can get,  Ha ha.  

Just while I am in the nattering mood, I've had a letter from my doctor's surgery, inviting me to go for a pneumococcal vaccination. They recommend that all people over the age of 65 have this, as it helps to protect against pneumococcal infection which can cause diseases such as pneumonia, septicaemia and meningitis. Blimey, I didn't know I was at risk of catching such things. I suppose I ought to go and get this jab, has anyone else been invited and have you had it? I am wondering about side effects, hope I don't feel ill after it.

I'm going to be missing tomorrow, so may not post. Got some family business to attend to. Got to miss the Parkrun again. Last call to Louise in my home town. If you want to meet let me know your phone number in a comment, which I will not publish. That's all for now, have a nice weekend.
Toodle pip

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