Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Really nice shopping bags

Good morning. I want to get on with stuff today so I am posting here early. I bet you have been wondering what I have been doing the last couple of days, while posting the photo's. Here are the fruits of my labour. Eight shopping bags finished, photo's taken before I give them away. I'm on a use up the fabric crusade. Nothing fancy just bog standard easy to sew bags. They can be folded, washed, chucked in the car, used for groceries, or kept for best. They are handy for carting all sorts of stuff around, library books, swimming gear, baby and toddler stuff, gym wear, and lunch bag for a day out. One of my craft club friends brings her knitting in hers every week and loves it. 

It is forecast that we are in for some sunshine in the next few days. Luvvly jubbly, got to get some of that. The end of my road looks a scruffy mess, I'll get a black bag and pull up the weeds and tidy round.

I have booked an appointment with the nurse to have the jab, thanks for your input in that matter. The battle with slugs and snails is ongoing, but hey ho, there are some broad beans on the way, and the spuds look great. Six courgette plants should eventually give me something to eat. I wanted to sow some more seeds in a vacant bed, but on lifting the plastic compost bag covering it I found three frogs have set up home there, so only half the bed can be used. Didn't want to destroy their secret hideaway, they are safe from the cats if they stay covered.

Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip.

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