Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Cobbled together meals

I've been thinking I ought to go shopping, then I keep putting it off, can't be bothered, I'll eat something out of the freezer. Although the fridge is bare, I've surely got loads of other food, and yes I have. Sometimes you think you have nothing then when you look more closely, you have plenty. It doesn't matter if it might not be what you fancy, but hey, you paid for it and it is waiting to be eaten. 
Yesterday I cooked up half a large courgette and an onion in a pan with a drop of oil and spices. Then made up some cous cous. I emptied what was left in the bag into a pan of water, always guess how much water and usually get it wrong. I had to add some more as it was a bit dry. Of course it swells to three times the amount, I ended up with too much, not to worry, it will get eaten. Lunch today was exactly the same as dinner last night. Cous cous, courgette and onion.  
I have now resorted to knocking on doors to ask if anyone wants a large courgette. The family up the road said, oooh lovely, I'll make a curry with it, and a friend across the road said that will come in handy we have guests coming for a meal. The friend who gave me the crumble put an order in for another one at the weekend. 
Tonights dinner you will be surprised to know doesn't include courgettes, I'm having a break, ha ha. It's a bit of a mish mash, something cobbled together. I changed my mind several times before I decided what to have. It took very little cooking, first put two Quorn sausages under the grill. Chop up the last bit of the iceberg lettuce that's been hanging around for nearly two weeks. It's amazing how it stays crispy in the fridge. Open a jar of pickled onions and a jar of beetroot, always good to have this on standby to bulk a meal up a bit. Put the last bit of the cous cous in a dish with some frozen peas and zap in the microwave. Cut the sausages into pieces. I always cut my food up into bite size pieces in the kitchen then I don't have to bother with a knife. I am eating it as I type this. Multi tasking, ha ha. 
I might go shopping tomorrow, if I can be bothered. Could do with some eggs, bananas, cheese and yogurt. No weekly shopping expeditions here, I wait till I need to go. I know some of you from your comments are expert at making food go a long way. Are you able to resist going to the shops unless you absolutely have to? I think it might be difficult for those with families, especially teenagers who turn their nose up at certain foods and say they don't like whatever you serve up. I know in our house I had to eat whatever mum gave us, there was no choosing. It might not be like that now.

Well, I'm feeling stuffed, that was pretty darn good, for a cobbled together meal. Have a nice evening.
Toodle pip

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