Thursday, August 14, 2014

That's the shopping done

Hello, I said I would be back, and I am, back from Tesco. I did the supermarket dash tonight, not much food left and my meals are getting a bit samey. I need variety. Some yellow stickers found their way into my trolley, I have stopped keeping track of them on my page above, need a rest from that, but you can be sure that a large part of my shopping is made up of what I can buy cheap at a discount.

I like Tesco, like the people who work there, and always come out with a smile on my face after a bit of banter with the lady on the checkout. The lady who marks down the veg is good fun as well, always have a laugh with her. They can keep their serve yourself tills, I want a person to put my purchases through, I'm beggared if I'm going to do it myself. They've got those new hand held scanners now, you zap your goods as you put them in the trolley. I can't be bothered with all that, not interested, give me a smiley lady on a till  every time.

Anyway, I've left it a bit late to publish the post I had planned. The photo's are loaded, just got to put the words to it. I'll leave it till the morning when my brain is a bit fresher. I'm chillin now with  a doughnut (30p for 5) and a mug of hot chocolate, and then to bed. Good night, catch you tomorrow.

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