Thursday, August 7, 2014

Where has it gone?

When I switch the computer on I have the MSM page come up, this has recently happened since I updated the Skype connection. I don't really want all this stuff flashing in front of my eyes so I am going to have to change the settings to get rid of it. However, what greeted me this morning was the headline.....
Campylobactor in Chicken : How to avoid it. It's about the new findings that the chicken tested from all the major supermarkets and butchers has found that 59% carried the bacteria. The point of the article is to advise on how to minimize the risk from eating contaminated chicken. Well I can tell you how to do that, and it came to me in a flash. Never mind all the washing utensils and surfaces, and cooking till piping hot, I'll tell you an easier common sense way on how to avoid it....STOP EATING CHICKEN. Seems sensible to me. Does anyone else get it? Common sense, where has it gone, I think we need to send a search party out for it  :o)
Busy sewing, gardening, doing stuff, might go shopping, but I might not, depending if I have time. Sunny day want to get the churchyard finished. Toodle pip.

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