Saturday, August 16, 2014

The sweet smell of fresh air in the countryside

Hello, to my bloggerettes. Thank you all very much for the comments on yesterdays post, you are so kind. I agree that the picture should be exhibited somewhere, though that is easier said than done. I checked out the Ropewalk website, an arts centre near the Humber Bridge, and their application criteria is quite complex. Also there is a two year waiting list. I imagine most reputable galleries will have a similar selection process. Open exhibitions allow one off's to apply, but these usually only happen once a year. I'll have to make more pieces, then approach galleries with a collection of my work. I'm off to see Uncle tomorrow, to ask his opinion on framing it. An excuse for a day out.
So what did I do today? I fancied a walk but it looked like it might rain, and I couldn't find anywhere I wanted to go on the maps. I decided to walk the 5.25 miles into town, have a look round the 20 21 Arts Centre, read the magazines and newspapers in the library, and choose some books, and if I felt like it, walk back. I found six books which were a bit bulky to put in the rucksack so I got the bus back home. 
Most of the walk is quite pleasant, until you get to the industrial estates, then the built up areas on the outskirts of the town. This footpath was diverted about a year ago, it used to go diagonally across the field, now it goes in a straight line from the road to the edge of a wood. The field used to be left rough, now it has a crop, it's used to grow turf, as most of the fields around here are. The landowner is Mr Sheffield, the Prime Ministers father in law, he is not seen very often in these parts. 
The path now goes through the wood, whereas before it went around the edge.

Here is the diversion marked on a poster nailed to a fence.

This is what they use to water the turf when it hasn't rained.

There are underground water pipes all along this track, the machines come along, connect up, and then they are towed to the middle of the field.

I heard the buzz of a tractor and the wonderful smell of cut grass. That's one hell of a lawn he has got to mow there.

The tractor has got extra wide smooth tyres so it treads lightly and doesn't churn it up.

That field is done, so the driver folds up his cutting arms, and goes across the track in front of me into the next field. I love watching anything to do with machinery. I would love to have a play with that. 
There's acres of turf all around here, a smooth as a babies bottom, and very lush.

Hay a bit further on, and I passed a field of spuds as well. The bales are waiting to be collected, and the spuds are waiting to be dug up.

Getting towards town now, passing the industrial estate. The pond is looking like a nature reserve now. It's very popular with dog walkers.

Now I'm in town. This rough patch used to be a multistory car park, till they flattened it. Now there are a lot of wild flowers on it. Much more pleasant to look at. Every town should have a wild flower meadow.
Here are the books I picked up from the library. Going to settle down on the sofa and have a look through them in a bit. Ooooh, exciting, a great way to spend a Saturday night.

My dinner tonight was potatoes, courgettes, and runner beans from the garden. Mangetout peas and egg noodles from Tesco with a yellow sticker. The bits of shredded carrot you see was part of a mixed salad which I ate most of yesterday. I put them in the steamer with the rest of the veg to soften them up a bit. Very nice it was too, I scoffed the lot  :o)

That's about it folks. Heidi cat is still out so I'll go and find her, then I'll get my nose in those books. Have a nice Sunday.
Toodle pip

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