Saturday, August 2, 2014

Surprise yourself with a made up recipe

How do you use up a glut of courgettes, apart from giving them away to the neighbours. I am just about keeping up with them, it's amazing how many six plants will produce. I am eating them every day, freezing a few in soups, and handing them out willynilly to anyone who wants them. The fridge is bare apart from a piece of brie cheese and some soft cheese, and of course courgettes. The good thing about growing veg is that I don't have to go shopping so often, I haven't been at all this week and made do with what I have. 
Yesterday was pasta with grated cheese on top. Today is a make it up meal. In a mixing bowl I have broad beans and runner beans from the garden, chopped up finely with a gizmo. Two grated carrots from a bag I got at Tesco over a week ago. One large courgette grated, and two medium size potatoes grated. A handful of  mixed nuts which I buy ready chopped. Throw in some garlic powder and black pepper. 
Mix it all together. Break two eggs into a small bowl and beat them, add them to the mix.

Then form into balls and flatten them. Put them under the grill on a low heat so they cook through. This is about half the mix.

Grill on both sides. These are tasty, they are a bit crunchy because the beans are still a little bit raw, and of course the nuts are crunchy. I didn't bother adding anything to the plate, these are enough. 
The other half of the mix I was going to save till tomorrow, but as I might be going out, weather permitting, I won't be here for lunch. So I decided to cook the mix in a pan first on the hob, then divide it up, and put it under the grill. The texture was not quite so crunchy. I have eaten two out of this batch, they go down lovely with a can of cider, and the three are in the fridge to take with me to eat cold for lunch.

I like playing with cookery, trying different home made recipes. I can never remember how I make some of the meals, I don't bother to write things down. I like surprises so use up whatever I have to hand. Thanks for calling in, I hope you have a nice Sunday. If it is not raining I will go out. Toodle pip.

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