Monday, August 18, 2014

Getting the chop

Hey up chuck, how ya diddlin? Sorry I wasn't around yesterday, spent a very enjoyable afternoon with my family. Pub lunch with sis and her hubbs, then a natter with Uncle Stan, picking his brains about picture framing. He gave me a few pointers, something to think about when deciding how to frame my picture. Well. I've thunk, and I am going to have a go at making a wooden frame with recycled timber. I have plenty of it in the garage. I have also dug out a piece of glass that was propped up against the back of the garage, someone gave me an old greenhouse which I never erected but kept the glass. Knew it would come in useful for something. It is two feet square, I've cleaned it up and tried it against the picture. I wasn't sure I wanted glass in front of it, but it looks pretty darn good, so I'm going with the glass. I've also found a piece of hardboard for the back and cut it to size. So, I have all the pieces, now just have to make it.

It's time for my bi annual haircut. I no longer go to the hairdressers, gave them up a couple of years ago. I never liked how they cut it so why pay money when I can do it myself. I have posted about this before, but it's worth another mention in case someone might like to give it a go. Maybe you already do cut your own hair.

I start off outside so that most of it falls onto the yard and gets blown away in the wind. I put a mirror on the window ledge, and comb through my hair with my fingers, lifting it and cutting the bits sticking up with the scissors in my right hand.

And I keep doing that all over. Lifting and cutting.

 When I get to the back and sides I lift, but then have to twist my wrist and pull the ends to the side so I can see in the mirror what I am cutting.

When I think it's nearly done, I move just inside the passageway between the mirrors hanging on opposite doors, so I can cut a straight line across the bottom. Yes, I think that's enough going by what has landed on my shoulders.
 Is that to Modom's liking? Yes, that will do nicely, thank you.

Job's a guddun. Looks alright to me. Saved me £20 if I went to a posh hairdresser, or a tenner if I went for a  five minute chop at a drop in shop. No petrol needed to go to town, and didn't have to wait for a student to do it at the college.  
If you don't already cut your own hair, why not have a go. Or if you don't feel confident enough, get together with a friend and cut each others hair. It's not that difficult.
Toodle pip.

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