Sunday, August 24, 2014

We have a winner

Hiya peeps, The broadband is acting up tonight, everything is running soooper
s-l-o-w. I've been busy sorting stuff out for tomorrow, the car is packed to the roof with stuff, we've got far too much chuffin STUFF. I've only booked a 6 foot pitch and that was £21, no reduction for charities. It's an early start so I've made my sandwiches, boiled two eggs, and made a diluted fruit juice drink tonight. I am not looking forward to unloading that car, where are we going to put all that STUFF. I hope we sell it all, don't want to bring any STUFF back.

Whilst sorting stuff out I decided we had no room in the car for an office chair, it was recovered from the house clearance skip if you remember. I don't want it here cluttering the place up so I put it outside on the pavement with a note on it, Free to good home. When I looked half an hour later it had gone. Glad someone can make use of it. I can't be bothered to do Freegle, would rather pass large things on locally. I've seen a few people put 'free to take' things at the front of their house.

Anyway, it's just a quickie tonight. I have a winner for the wonky bag. There were 30 names, I wrote them down on a big piece of paper then cut them up into small pieces. Turned them over, shuffled them up, and picked one out. Sorry to those who weren't lucky, the winner is.......


Please send me your postal address, either in an email, or in a comment, which I obviously won't publish. Well done. 
Thanks for popping in, I'm off to bed now. Goodnight

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