Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Good views from Froggatt Edge

Hello from a sunny Derbyshire. Well it was earlier, it's dark now and I'm sitting in the lounge at Ravenstor Hostel. I am the only guest tonight, just me and the Warden. I could have booked a private room but it would have cost more, I still have a room to myself, even though it has eight beds in it. I had a lovely hot shower and cooked my own dinner, the tele is on and I am watching it with one eye. 
My journey took me down the M18 and the M1 motorways, off at Junction 30 to Chesterfield.Through Staveley where I stopped to have a look at a store which caught my eye while waiting at traffic lights. It was supposed to be a discount store, but I didn't think their prices were particularly cheap. I spent £1 on three cartons of juice drink, nothing else took my fancy.
Just past Baslow is Calver, I spotted a good walk on the map so made a stop there and parked next to the Church. The first part was following the River Derwent, past Stocking Farm, and on to Froggatt bridge. There is a wide horseshoe shaped weir. 

I was heading for Froggatt Edge, it was a steep climb up there through the woods. Thank goodness it's dry underfoot, it would be a lot more difficult to climb slippery rocks.

Not far off the top now. I watched a climber crawling her way to the top. 
That large column of rock seemed like it was completely separate, standing independently from the rock face.

Almost at the top now, just a little way further, up that path, The rock climbing lady was walking towards me, with a friend, there was two of them, we stopped to have a chat. You wont catch me dangling on the end of a rope, I am not that brave.

That's the column of rock looking at it from the top. 
Lovely views up here, the sun was in the wrong place though, makes the pics look a bit hazy.

Time for a sit down, this is the life.

I carried on along the top of Froggatt Edge, it turns into Curbar Edge. 
Oooh look, there's the lady climber again.

At the end the path comes down to join the road. I turned right and walked back to the car. That's where I was, up there on that big rock. 

This is the Mill at Calver, it's difficult to get a good photo of it. It was built in 1804, and ceased being a factory in 1923. It's now been turned into apartments.

I arrived at the hostel at 5.15pm.

And here is Jack the warden waiting to sign me in. 
A cosy bottom bunk for me tonight.

Think I'll get myself off up there now, I'm feeling a bit tired. A nice mug of hot chocolate will send me off to sleep.

I hope the weather is good to me tomorrow, I've checked the map and found some routes to try out. Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip.

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