Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Tideswell and beyond.

Hello. We have candles glowing orange and a real fire in the lounge tonight. All lovely and cozy. There is another guest but I don't know where she is, I saw her briefly but she has disappeared. She is not in my room, so it looks like I don't have to share again. 
Breakfast was ginormous this morning, Jack put on a lovely spread which filled me up for the rest of the day. I didn't feel hungry until about 4 o clock, when I decided to have a bite of a sandwich. 
I walked out of the back of the hostel and down a path. The building looks as good at the back as it does from the front.  
I fancied going to take a look at Tideswell village so took the path along Tideswell Dale. It was a lovely morning so I was hoping it would last even though the forecast was not good for the afternoon. I love the sound of rushing water.

A long flat path made for easy walking.

And at the end of it was a huge wooden mouse. I think it's a mouse, could be some other small furry creature I suppose.

 I picked up the road into Tideswell.

This phone box is well loved, fresh paint and clean, and photo's in the windows. There is a telephone inside but it doesn't accept money and you can't dial out on it.

If you want to know anything about the local history you can choose from the menu, dial the number, and a short history lesson will be played to you. 
 It's like a mini tourist information office. What a brilliant idea.

A shot of the main street in Tideswell. The war memorial stands in the centre with a little garden around it.

 Lots of small independent shops.

St John the Babtist Church has a prominent position on the main road. 
A couple more pics as I went on my way.

I walked up Manchester Road and turned left onto Water Lane to Wheston. A bit further on I turned into Hay Dale. This looks like a graveyard for trees, many of them were dead.

This is a part of The Limestone Way long distance path, here I am going through Peter Dale. There was a lot of rocks strewn about and boggy sections, so it made the going quite difficult.  
Not long after it started to rain so I stopped to put my waterproof trousers on. It's a good job I did that as the rain got really heavy. It looked like it was not going to blow over so I decided to take the shortest route back, which was Down Monks Dale, but the notice said this path is difficult due to loose rocks, I checked the map and found an alternative route, down the Limestone Way to Millers Dale. Unfortunately this was not a good route, deep rutted tracks between two stone walls, with lots of rain making it into a mud bath.  Not very nice, but just get on with it.  I slithered my way to the end, and walked through Monksdale Farm to the road. That's when I saw this church. Aint it pretty.

By this time it had stopped raining so there was no need to rush back. I walked up Millers Dale alongside the river.

The road is a dead end road, it only goes to Litton Mill. There are footpaths further on but cars have to turn round and go back. Here is The Mill, another conversion to apartments. It's in a lovely secluded location, 

I found another way into the Hostel grounds, there are two large stone pillars at each side of the entrance, leading to a long sweeping overgrown driveway through the woods. It looked like this was perhaps the original entrance. I was back at 5pm. 10.5 miles covered today, up hill and down dale. I will have a look at Buxton tomorrow before I head off home.
Toodle pip.

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