Saturday, April 20, 2013

A mishmash post

This is going to be a bit of a mishmash of a post, not really sure what to write about so I'll chuck a few things in the pot. First off, how to make a cheap veg curry. Buy two packs of yellow sticker, reduced, prepared vegetables, cost 50p. Chuck in a pan, in my case, a new pan, ha ha.
Add, curry powder, turmeric, two veg stock cubes cheap value brand will do, black pepper, mixed herbs, and some garlic out of a jar, forgot to put it in the picture.
Magic, cheap curry, enough for three days. You can add some rice if you want to, or pasta, I couldn't be bothered so ate it as it is.
Today I went to a car boot sale, it's one I haven't been to before, the other side of town, so I went to see what it was like. It was in a field, very well organised. It started at 1pm so a more civilised way of going about it, rather than the 6am start some of them have. I got there a bit early so had to wait ten minutes before they opened the gates, then it was like the charge of the light brigade. I noticed that there was a lot of stalls selling childrens toys and childrens clothes, also adult clothes, seemed a lot of denin about. I don't need any so I didn't buy. Also, some traders selling new stuff. I go to a car boot sale to buy second hand. I found two boxes of Whiskas pouches, (opened, therefore second hand), I asked the man, what happened to your cat, did it leave home. He said, our cat doesn't like this any more. Typical I thought, you get a cat what it likes, then it turns it's nose up at it. I bought the two boxes for £2, and dropped them off at Sue's for the rescue cats. While I was there, someone came to look at a cat. A very nice middle age couple decided that Charlie was the cat for them, and he seemed pretty happy with that. We aquired Charlie from a house near Liverpool, his owner had died, and the relatives couldn't find him a place in a rescue anywhere. Luckily we had a place, and now he has a new home.

I popped to town yesterday to go to the market. As I walked down the High Street I saw we have a new shop just opened. That's nice, I thought, we have a lot of empty shops, so a new one opening is good. Oh no it isn't when it is another furniture and household appliance and electrical shop, selling stuff on tick and charging extortionate interest rates. That's just what we don't need. I would rather see an empty shop than see them rip people off. It makes me so mad, another Brighthouse, my God, everything will be on credit soon. I'll have a bag of sugar please, and how much a month will that be.

I've had a letter from the RAC. They are not content with me getting breakdown cover from them, they now want to sell me life insurance. Well they can bloomin well stick it. So, I go through every bit of paper they sent me, tearing off my name and address, so the rest of it can go in the recycling box. You have to look at every piece of unwanted junk mail, because you find they have inserted your details in the application form, to save you filling it in. I never put anything out for recycling with my name and address on it. Paranoid, I don't care, no one will sift through my rubbish and steal my identity.

Here's another little rant, while I'm in the mood. Warner Leisure have got 50% off weekend getaways. More junk mail in the post. The leaflet says 3 nights from only £155 per person. Look down the list of venues on the back and there is one chuffin place in Suffolk at £155, all the rest are way above that, the dearest being £389. Then read the small print, the price is based on two people sharing. Excuse me but what about those who are single. Doesn't it make you want to chuffin spit.

I'm off to get another glass of wine. Tesco have got a very nice red South African Merlot on offer at the moment for £4. Cheers. Toodle pip.

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