Wednesday, April 10, 2013

No time for a walk, then time for a walk.

I've been meaning to do this job for ages. One desk in the office is cluttered with maps and guides, and every time I want to look at something it takes me ages to find the map I need. This morning I had decided to go for a walk, but by the time I had messed about looking for the right map, then a route, it was too late to go. Maybe I could find things more quickly if I had a tidy up.
There are more maps and tourist information leaflets in the living room, so I gathered them all up, and set to, to put them in some sort of order.
I sorted them into areas, labelled the piles up, and put them into plastic sleeves. I had a couple of A4 binders so I used them as well, for the areas less travelled, and the smaller leaflets. The three red boxes stack up on top of each other, so all neat and tidy there.
The big OS maps are a pain to keep tidy, especially as I keep opening them up to read them. After a few times of using them I can never fold them back up neatly again. I take the covers off and throw them away, so it takes a while to find the map I need. A marker pen has remedied that, write the title along several of the edges so whichever way you fold them, it will be seen.
At last the job was done, now perhaps I will be able to find things more quickly. I still had time to go out for a local walk. I decided to make it a power walk, take long strides and walk as fast as I can. I went to Alkborough and back in 1 hour 40 minutes. The daffodils are out at last.
This is a bunch of very small miniture daffs. So cute.
It was lovely and warm this afternoon, but within half an hour of being back indoors, I was beginning to feel cold again. The fluctuation in temperature is so annoying, it's difficult to know what to wear. I seem to be putting more clothes on when I come back inside. I think I would be warmer if I ate my meals outdoors,  pitched a tent in the back garden, and slept in that.

Thank you for your pan suggestions. What with the recomendations from people on the Money Saving Expert forum, and your's, I have quite a list to check out.
Toodle pip.

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