Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Art for free

It is done, the artyfarty garden is finished. My first idea was to add the flowers in no particular order, to make it like a higgledypiggledy cottage garden, everything mixed up. But then I thought I would put some order into it. Make it neat and tidy. The first three photo's I took indoors but wasn't sure if the colours were right, so I took it outside and photographed it again.
The stripey lawn is from a childs hoodie which I got from a charity shop. I stuck it down with double sided tape.
I started by painting the whole thing pale green, then added darker shades of green, in the same way that I did the painted flowery one. I added some green net fruit bags to give it texture.
I wanted stepping stones to make a walkway, but rather than use something stone coloured, I thought I would make a yellow brick road from a plastic bottle. Also stuck down with the tape.

This is the before pic, the grey panel across the middle comes out. I painted it shades of blue to represent a pond, then covered it in a white nylon net so I could add the green wool around the edge of the pond.  
Each flower is on a wire. I had to make two holes for the wires to come through and tie them together at the back. The wire I got from an old video player, using two pairs of pliers to pull the knots tight.
And there you have it. Art for free. The sticky tape I got from the Scrapstore before it closed. The paint I got from Woolworths before they closed, cost negligeable. Some of the beads came from car boot sales for pennies, some from old necklaces I already had. The hoodie cost 25p, there is lots more left for other projects. And of course the broken car body panel was free. 
Think I could have a new career as a garden designer, ha ha.
Toodle pip.

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