Sunday, April 7, 2013

Spring has sprung :o)

How has everyone's Sunday been, have you had a good one? I've had a belter. Firstly, it's sunny and warmish, hip hip hoooray :o) Secondly, Janet and I had a walk to Alkborough this morning, 5.5 miles round trip, along the hills above the River Trent. The birds were twittering, and there was no wind, a beautiful calm morning. A young lady on a horse came towards us so we stepped aside to let them pass. There are lots of horsey people around here, and they are often strolling along the country lanes and paths.

Our destination was the Paddocks Tea Room, arriving at 10.20am. We were surprised to see it so busy, people were queueing to get served and all seats inside were taken as they waited patiently for their order to appear. I believe the full breakfasts are very popular here.
We ordered a Latte Coffee, and a piece of mouth watering home made sponge cake. I went for the chocolate and coffee, and Janet had the lemon. They were delicious. It was warm enough to sit outside. We saw a few other people from our village, this is a favourite place for a treat on a sunny day.
On the way back we came across a lot of motorcyclists of all ages, riding on a course marked out with coloured pegs. It is a very steep slope and it takes some skill to remain on your bike. I asked a man who was spectating, lots of question, me being the nosey type, ha ha. He said the sport is called Trialling. There are eight sections to ride through on the course, and they have to go round the course five times. There are marshalls at all the sections and the aim is to not put your feet on the ground. If you do you lose points. There are county and national championships. He said some of the riders start from about four years old, and people come from quite a long way away to take part.
They looked like they were enjoying it. It's a fabulous location for it with the River Trent in the background.

Hey look, the only girl taking part. Good on yer lass, go for it.
We got back about 12.30pm, time for lunch. It was so warm I put a chair outside, ate my cheese sandwich and finished the last glass of wine. I didn't stay put for long though, as I had itchy feet, so I went off for another walk, this time in the opposite direction along the bottom of the wood to Flixborough. If you squint your eyes you might just catch a glimpse of a deer, dead centre amongst the trees.
This sign caught my attention, it was at the back of the pub. It's a pity I can't find a bed for that price every night when I am on my travels. Hmmmm, I've just had a thought, maybe this could be my retirement home. Second thoughts, I can't afford it :o(
An hour and threequarters after setting out I arrived back. The footie match was in full swing. I've no idea who was playing, I have no interest in football.  
The two walks totalled 10.5 miles, but as I already had my boots on, I thought it's a good idea to take a dog a walk, so I took Rocky out to meet his mates on the hills. It was a good time to go, as there was lots of dogs about. There was Dougal, Alfie, Ollie, Honey, Jack, Henry, and Marley. One big doggy party.
I think it's about time I cleaned my boots, I've done quite a lot of miles in them now, and they are getting more comfortable by the day. I've been through some sloshy mud and water, and I'm pleased to say, they do not leak. Let's hope they stay that way.
Catch you tomorrow. I haven't decided what to do yet. I think I'll surprise myself, ha ha. Hey, I'll tell you what, I've got an ingenious idea for the next arty farty piece. It will take some working out, I'll have to make a plan on paper first. Something to get my grey matter stuck into. Toodle pip.

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