Monday, April 15, 2013

Car boot bargains

I'm a bit behind with the news, because I did the 30 money saving tips. I need to catch up. Now what did I do yesterday, ah yes, I went to the car boot sale at the football ground. I haven't been for about six months, I thought I might find some saucepans, and I need a pair of garden shears, as I have buggered mine up trying to lever some paving slabs to reposition them. Stupid idea, they are not meant for such heavy work, and now they won't cut properly. The garden fork did the job, should have used that in the first place. 
Found some saucepans but they were worse than the ones I already have, and didn't find any shears. But what I did find was a lovely pair of curtains, they will fit my front room perfectly. The lady who runs Rabbit Rescue was there and she has a big pile of allsorts, mainly clothes and household textiles, on a big plastic sheet on the ground. Three for £1 she shouts, so I had a rummage through. The curtains caught my eye, so I asked how much. £1 she says, so I snapped them up and gave her £1.50, well it is for charity.  
They have some lace sewn up the sides, I will unpick that as I don't like it. They still had the plastic hooks on them as well.
I washed them in the sink, and had them blowing on the line. Just got to take the lace off and I will get them up. My lovely new spring curtains.
Another good find. I have two windows in my kitchen and they both have these net type blind things hanging in them. They are getting a bit dingy, and mucky on the bottoms because the cats keep jumping up onto the sills. I found two new ones but they are far too long. I have checked the drop and I can cut the very long one in half for the two windows. I will have to cut holes in the bottom piece for the pole to go through, shouldn't be too dificult.  
This is how it looks when hung. It was a bargain, £1 for two of them. I will find a place for the other one.
And a third bargain was found. A 50p wire dish drainer for the draining board. I have a plastic one and it's horrible, takes too much time keeping it clean, it will have to go, will give it to a charity shop. Pleased with my car boot bargains.
Today I went to town to pay a bill, and look for some pans. I had already looked in Hull on Saturday but didn't find anything. There wasn't any in Sainsbugs that I liked, have already looked in Tesco and Matalan, and TK Maxx, not a lot of choice, and today I found some in Westgate, which is part of the Co op. So, I have three pans for £51. The make is Judge, with a Teflon non stick finish. I noticed that most pans have two rivets which go right through to the inside, to hold the handle on. I didn't want that, I want a completely smooth finish inside, with no rivets. I didn't want glass lids, or metal handles, or stainless steel. These will do nicely.  

I called in at the car body repair place today, and found two more pieces for my artwork. This is an unusual shape. I have washed the dirt off, and smoothed the rough edges with a stanley knife. It is a bit bent but I am going to leave it like that. I have an idea.
This should be interesting to work on, a headlight cluster from goodness knows what car. I need to take the back off so I can work on the inside. I don't think I will be hanging this one, it sits nicely on a flat bottom.
Got to go, I'm all behind, I've been on the phone a lot tonight. Toodle pip.

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