Thursday, April 4, 2013

I've been out, but where to?

Good evening. I've had a day out today. Really enjoyed it, but boy was it cold. I was well wrapped up for walking, but battling across big wide open fields with a 50mph wind full in your face, doesn't half make the skin red and sore. Sunburn, no, I've got windburn, ha ha. Think I need to get me a balaclava. There's lots of pics but I haven't sorted them yet, also a little video. Here's a little taster, can you guess where I am? A clue. I have climbed 199 steps to the top of the tallest Anglican church tower in the United Kingdom. More pics tomorrow.
While driving to this place this morning I was listening to Womans Hour on Radio 4. My ears pricked up when I heard my name mentioned. Immediately I knew who they were talking about. Ilona Royce has been featured on the blog I know some of you follow the blog Advanced Style, and I sometimes call in there on my blog hopping rounds.

They interviewed the blogger, Ari Seth Cohen, he photographs stylish older women who he meets on the streets of New York. He has a massive following, and his ladies, and sometimes gents, are lovely. Ilona is 92 and lives on the third floor of an apartment block. She likes to design and make her own clothes, often using second hand materials.

If any followers of Advanced Style who want to listen to the interview on Womans Hour today, click the link, and move the slider across to 18mins 56secs. Both Ari and Ilona are featured on it.

I'll catch up with you tomorrow. Toodle pip

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