Thursday, April 18, 2013

Power walking and healthy eating

Look closely, what can you see?
Not sure? Now can you see it?
Bet you can see it now, ha ha. Yes, it's Tommy the toad. I planted my potatoes out yesterday, and as I lifted the plastic cover on a raised bed, I found my little friend half buried in the compost. I remember seeing him last year, glad he has survived the winter and is still around. I relocated him to a plastic box full of compost, and re covered him. I've just been out to check and he is still there.
This morning I got my arse into gear, and went for a walk. I usually faff about a lot in the mornings, then before I know it, half a day has gone. Today I felt like having a power walk. It's very very windy here, but not cold, so my intention was to walk quickly for the exercise rather than bimble and mooch about. The purpose of the walk was to keep fit. I did 7.76 miles in two and a half hours. Looking down at the River Trent, the water seems very choppy, even though we are a good way inland.
I like the way the clouds scooting across the sky cast a shadow over the landscape. They were moving so fast, like watching a film that has been speeded up.  
I went into Alkborough village and out the other side. The tea room was open but no time to stop, I'm on a mission. Someone has got a massive pile of logs for their wood burner. Looks like a whole tree has been chopped down.
About half a mile out of Alkborough on the West Halton Road, I turned right to go up a track.
The track took me through a farm and into Coleby. Then I picked up another track to come back home. I had the wind full in my face, it was a battle to keep going. Half way down a field edge is a memorial bench, far too windy to sit down today. Every time I go past this bench, it always has real flowers in the vases. Today, some of them had blown into the field behind so I picked them up and put them back. It won't be long before the daffodils are flowering. Someone really likes this place.
Last night I gave in and went to Tesco, it's three weeks since I was last there. Just shows how you can stretch a weekly shop into a two weekly, or even longer. In the last three weeks my top ups were eggs from B & M, and a bit of veg, bananas, and plain yogurt from Aldi. I had all the bread I needed in the freezer.
There were a few bargains to be had, I didn't wait for the 90% off markdown, I was happy with 75% off, and at 9pm my trolley went through the checkout at £17.60. A cooked ham treat for the cats in there, and £2.09 for a bag of grated cheese. Did you know that sometimes grated is cheaper than buying a block. I always get mature, I picked up a 350grm block for £2.49, then found a 350grm bag of grated for £2.09. Pays to compare prices.
This is my lunch which has just gone down the hatch, Salad leaves, chopped spring onion, sliced mushrooms, grated cheese, potato salad, and brie cheese. Very nice with a few dollops of cheap Value dips thrown on the top.  
The sun has come out, and I am going to do a bit more faffing.
Toodle pip.

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