Thursday, February 27, 2014

Baa baa black sheep have you any wool :o))

Good morning. We had rain overnight, but the clouds are drifting away and patches of blue are starting to fill the sky. One of the comments yesterday has given me the idea for today's post. I often find myself agreeing wholeheartedly with the wise words of my readers, some of you don't miss a trick and have sussed me out perfectly. On the other hand there are some comments and opinions which are wide off the mark, but that's only to be expected. It's very difficult to work out how someones brain is wired up by the letters they press on a keyboard, all weave an interesting tapestry for my blog.

This is the comment which made me smile, from bigbrownchicken. She hasn't got a blog so I can't link.

I like your style Iona, carefree and a bit child like...and why not if you can!!

bbc, you have me sussed. Your comment made me grin from ear to ear, for that is one of the personna's I like to portray to the world. It was so refreshing to read that. It came in stark contrast to the latest troll comment, which of course did not get published. 

Yes, the troll is still lurking in the background. Shed loads of insults and pure nastiness appear almost daily. At one time their frustration at what I was writing was too much for them to bear, and they vowed to stop reading and never come back. Well that lasted about four weeks, then they could keep quiet no more, and now they are back to continue their offence against me.

Every comment they make gives me a little more insight into their world, I am building up a picture. I know it is widely said that one should ignore trolls, because they do it to provoke a reaction. The reaction they get from me is not the one they are looking for. I don't get wound up, and I don't get worried. Actually the troll makes me chuckle. I keep using the word troll, it being an unknown person who's sole intention is to disrupt and undermine. I think this troll is known to me, and is hoping I will stop blogging. Ha ha, not a hope in hell sunshine, so why do you keep up this relentless pursuit, because it isn't going to get you anywhere.

One wonders what goes through the mind of someone who trolls for so long, almost a year now. What a sad life they lead, that they have to continually put someone down to make themselves feel better. There must be an awful lot of anxiety in their life, their confidence must be at rock bottom.   

'Carefree and a bit childlike', yep, that's me alright, and why not. Carefree is good for your physical health as well as good for you mentally. What is there to worry about exactly, we are all going in the same direction. I used to worry when I was younger, but not any more. Worry about what I look like, worry about what people think of me, worry about why I was not married, worry about doing my job right, worry about getting my big lorry into a tight space, ha ha. Oh core blimey, lots to worry about. Now I am a pensioner I can be anything I like, don't have to conform, don't have to dress like a 64 year old, and I can be me. If I want to act silly I can. In short, I have ......

And now I feel much better for it. This is a great time in my life, and no saddo tapping away on a keyboard is going to spoil it for me. Stuff you troll. There, I feel even better now. No doubt you will come back and spout more bile, but beware, you need to let go and get on with your own life, or you will end up a bitter and twisted person, and I know who's skin I would rather be in. 
Thank you bigbrownchicken for that thought provoking comment. I'm off outside. Toodle pip.

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