Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Blown away

The wind is battering us tonight in North Lincolnshire, it almost sounds as if it could take the roof off. We have had heavy rain this afternoon. I was out with Lady dog, she normally would walk for hours, but today she dragged me back after twenty minutes. Graham, Lady's owner, was out on a ramble with his pals, must be mad, ha ha. He leaves me the TV programe magazine out to read and do the crossword, so I sat in his conservatory listening to the rain on the roof.  I had to dash back home through the rain. Best to stay indoors with weather like this. 
Tonight I have made a big pan of Tuscan Lamb, well that's what it said on the packet of sauce mix. Thought I would add new flavours into my stews, so picked up five x 20p packets from the Cash and Carry. Potatoes, carrots, onions, frozen peas, chick peas, and red kidney beans. plus a handful of Quorn pieces. It was chuffin loverly, four meals in one pan, just need to warm it up in the microwave tomorrow. Beats cooking :o))   
So, it's been a day of sewing again, and playing with George. He is getting used to me a bit now. He has to stay in the room by himself, it wouldn't be right to let him wander around the house. No point in going through the stress of him meeting my cats and them seeing a new cat in their territory. I don't want to have to separate any punch ups. He is fine in the room, he can sit on the window sill and watch the comings and goings on the road outside. One of my lovely readers has offered to send a donation towards his food. A very kind gesture indeed. Thank you.

That wind is not giving up, glad we are snug inside. I saw some pictures of the wind and rain in the papers. Can someone tell me why people are struggling to hold on to their inside out umbrellas in 90mph gusts of wind? Isn't it obvious that an umbrella is not going to last very long? Why are they trying to use them at all? And also, why do women insist on wearing the shortest skirts and the flimsiest ballerina type shoes in such atrocious weather? Are they nuts? Why don't they travel to and from work in trousers, boots and a warm jacket with a hood, and carry their day clothes in a bag and change when they get there? Makes sense to me. Just wondered.
Anyway, less of the pondering. It's Dragons Den tonight while I rack up the miles on the cross trainer. Best give it ten minutes to let my dinner go down first though. Toodle pip.

This made me titter.

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