Sunday, February 9, 2014

George is the lucky one

Meet George. I have called him George, he is a boy, so Boy George, also George after William and Kate's small boy. Pretty isn't he. I found him last night, at 10pm when I went into the porch to lock the front door. I saw something just outside, between the door and my car, I park my car close to the house. On closer inspection I saw it was a blue plastic cat box, with a cat inside. Someone has dumped him on my front doorstep. I have no idea how long he was there for, I hadn't been out since lunchtime. Maybe he was put there under the cover of darkness.  
He is a friendly little fella, and well cared for. I rang Janet and she came round to have a look. He was hungry and scoffed half a sachet of Felix and a bowl of Whiskas dry food. Our rescue pens are full so we have no room for him there, he will have to stay here for the time being.

I know who dumped him, I was accosted in the street about a week ago by a young man who wanted me to take his cat in as it wasn't getting on with his dog. I said I couldn't, I can't afford any more, and he should email us a photo and we can put it on our Catchat web page as available for re homing. He didn't send the photo, he dumped the cat instead.

George is the lucky one, lots of cats are just abandoned when the owners move away. They leave their animals behind. Some cats are driven miles away from their home and left to fend for themselves. Some are kicked out and never let into the home again. At least George has a warm bed and food. We will look for a nice home for him. Some people are so cruel.
Toodle pip

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